Note from the PT bloc in Congress and the Federal Senate

Note from the PT bloc in Congress and the Federal Senate


The Workers Party blocs in Congress and the Senate affirm their unity in defense of the candidacy of ex-President Lula da Silva for the presidency of the Republic. As the leader in all electoral polls, even after he has been unjustly and arbitrarily condemned to prison, Lula represents an opportunity for Brazil to re-encounter the path of democracy, social inclusion, dialogue, national sovereignty economic growth and job generation, guaranteeing the construction of a more just country with more solidarity.


In a moment in which the country finds itself bogged down in an unprecedented economic, political and institutional crisis, the ex-President, with wide popular support, is the name capable of creating the conditions for overcoming the current turbulence and guaranteeing better days for all Brazilians.


The October elections will only be democratic of all of the political forces can participate in a free and fair manner. We cannot make concessions in the struggle for defense of Lula’s innocence and the maintenance of his political rights.


In this scenario, Lula’s candidacy represents the will of the party and the best alternative for the nation.


Brasília, May 17, 2018


Lindbergh Farias (PT-RJ), Party leader in the Federal Senate


Paulo Pimenta (PT-RS), Party leader in the Federal Congress




Gleisi Hoffmann (PR), Fátima Bezerra (RN), Humberto Costa (PE), Jorge Viana (AC), José Pimentel (CE), Paulo Paim (RS), Paulo Rocha (PA) e Regina Sousa (PI).



Adelmo Leão (MG),Afonso Florence (BA), Ana Perugini (SP), Andres Sanchez (SP), Angelim (AC), Arlindo Chinaglia (SP), Assis Carvalho (PI), Benedita da Silva (RJ), Beto Faro (PA), Bohn Gass (RS), Caetano (BA), Carlos Zarattini (SP), Celso Pansera (RJ), Décio Lima (SC), Enio Verri (PR), Érika Kokay (DF), Gabriel Guimarães (MG), Helder Salomão (ES), Henrique Fontana (RS), João Daniel (SE), Jorge Solla (BA), José Airton (CE), José Guimarães (CE), José Mentor (SP), Josias Gomes (BA), Leo de Brito (AC), Leonardo Monteiro (MG), Luiz Couto (PB), Luiz Sérgio (RJ), Luizianne Lins (CE), Marco Maia (RS), Marcon (RS), Margarida Salomão (MG), Maria do Rosário (RS), Miguel Corrêa (MG), Nelson Pellegrino (BA), Nilto Tatto (SP), Odair Cunha (MG), Padre João (MG), Patrus Ananias (MG), Paulão (AL), Paulo Teixeira (SP), Pedro Uczai (SC), Pepe Vargas (RS), Reginaldo Lopes (MG), Rejane Dias (PI), Rubens Otoni (GO), Ságuas Moraes (MT), Sibá Machado (AC), Valmir Assunção (BA), Valmir Prascidelli (SP), Vander Loubet (MS), Vicente Cândido (SP), Vicentinho (SP), Wadih Damous (RJ), Waldenor Pereira (BA), Zé Carlos (MA), Zé Geraldo (PA), Zeca Dirceu (PR) e Zeca do PT (MS).



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