Bulletin 195 – People’s Commitee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 195 – People’s Commitee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 9/1/2018 – 7:40 PM

1. Faced with the violence committed by the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) against the rights of Lula and the people who want to elect him President of the Republic, the Workers’ Party announced, in a note, that it will continue fighting by all means to guarantee his candidacy in the October 7 elections. The PT says that the idea that the Ficha Limpa (Clean Slate) law can bar the candidacy of people who have been denied their second appeals, as in the unjust situation faced by Lula, is incorrect. Article 26-C of the law calls for the suspension of ineligibility while there are still appeals pending in higher courts. Read the note here: http://www.pt.org.br/nota-do-pt-contra-a-cassacao-politica-com-lula-ate-o-fim/

2. The Brazilian Judiciary, in this case the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE), has shown, once again, that it is capable of breaking all of its time records when dealing with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The disqualification of Lula’s candidacy, trampling on protocols, deadlines and even a decision by the UN Human Rights Committee in defense of Lula’s right to run for office passed in less than 24 hours from the start of the time period for ruling on the party tickets. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/em-menos-de-24h-tse-atropela-defesa-onu-e-impugna-registro-de-lula/

3. The same Electoral Court Justice who issued the ruling disqualifying Lula’s candidacy recognized the right to run for office guaranteed in the Electoral and Ficha Limpa (Clean Slate) laws for 145 mayoral candidates in the last round of municipal elections. Unlike Lula, they were allowed to run for office sub judice with appeals still underway. 98 of them were elected and are currently governing their cities. Read more here: https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/09/01/exatamente-dois-anos-apos-golpe-contra-dilma-tse-cria-regra-de-excecao-contra-lula-denunciam-parlamentares/

4. Ex-president Lula sent a letter to the people of Pernambuco state, which was delivered by his Vice Presidential running mate, Fernando Haddad. One passage reads, “the moment we are living in is not easy. A judicial persecution made by a few who think they can bar the people from expressing themselves are keeping me imprisoned in Curitiba.” Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/leia-a-carta-de-lula-ao-povo-pernambucano/

5. On the political program that was broadcast on all TV stations for the People Happy Again Coalition (PT, PC do B, and PROS) today, Lula, in his first appearance as candidate, took a jab at the Judiciary. “We are in a situation in which an innocent man is being condemned to prevent an innocent man from returning to make the best government for Brazil. I know that I will go down in history as the President who provided the most social inclusion in this country, who built the most universities, who built the most technical schools, and who put the most young people in university in the history of the nation. I know how I will go down in history, but I don’t know if they will be remembered as judges or as torturers,” said the ex-President, who is leading in the polls from all polling agencies.

6. The Unified Workers Central (Central Única dos Trabalhadores/CUT) released a note repudiating the TSE’s ruling to bar Lula’s candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic. The CUT considers the ruling to be one more “arbitrary act made by a judicial authority, which has been characterized by bias and disrespect to the fundamental rights consecrated in the Brazilian Constitution as well as the UN Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Brazil is a signatory. Read more here: https://www.redebrasilatual.com.br/politica/2018/09/cut-e-mst-repudiam-decisao-do-tse-que-barram-candidatura-de-lula

7. The Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (Movimento de Trabalhadores sem Terra/MST) also repudiated the TSE’s ruling. The organization criticized the TSE’s disrespect for the Electoral Law and the UN Human Rights Committee. Read the note here: https://www.brasildefato.com.br/2018/09/01/movimento-dos-sem-terra-condena-decisao-do-tse/

8. Hours after the TSE’s arbitrary decision, Lulaço demonstrations sprung up in cities and towns across the country – demonstrations in public areas with thousands of people demanding freedom for Lula. In Fortaleza, for example, there was a classic “Olê Olê Olã, Lula lá, Lula lá” demonstration in the Iguatemi Shopping Mall, which is a popular spot with the middle class. There were also Lulaço demonstrations in the Vila Rubim Municipal Market in Vitória, Espirito Santo, as well as in other locations in cities such as Manaus, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro and other cities.

Bulletin 195 – People’s Commitee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 9/1/2018 – 7:40 PM

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