Bulletin 126 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

_Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 6/24/2018 – 9:20 PM_
1. The Democratic Vigil, on Olga Benário square in Curitiba, in front of the Federal Police headquarters where ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is being held as a political prisoner, had a different kind of afternoon today. Under the leadership of various musicians, they held a traditional St. John’s party called the “Arraia de São João for Comrade Lula”. It was a St. John’s Lula party in homage to the ex-President. There was a lot of music and traditional St. John’s Day foods and a lot of enthusiasm from the members of the democratic resistance who are fighting for Lula’s freedom. See video here:

2. In addition to the party, the activities in the Vigil started this morning with dozens of activists yelling the traditional “good morning!” to Lula, followed by the Democracy Network program in the Casa da Democracia. At 6 PM there was an inter-religious mass and, afterwords, the “good night” yell to the ex-President.
3. On Saturday, June 23rd, Tainá Andere participated in a public conversation in the #LulaLivre Vigil about natural healing using plants and traditional Brazilian folk medicine. She also talked about damage caused to public health by the food industry, especially through the unbridled use of pesticides. Read more here:  https://www.brasildefato.com.br/2018/06/24/vigilia-lula-livre-discute-cura-natural-e-denuncia-uso-de-agrotoxicos-na-terra/
4. A #LulaLivre demonstration held in the Brasilandia-Freguesia do Ò region on São Paulo’s Northwest side Saturday, June 23, marced the end of a series of cultural interventions in peripheral regions of the city. The rappers GOG and Rincon Sapiência performed shows. GOG and Rincon Sapiência protested against the arbitrary and unjust imprisonment of ex-President Lula. All across Brazil people’s committees in defense of Lula held demonstrations in June in defense of freedom for the greatest popular leader in the history of Brazil. According to the São Paulo Municipal PT President, Paulo Fiorilo, the demonstrations and activities for freedom for Lula will continue in different ways in the city and across the nation.
Bulletin 126 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy*
_Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 6/24/2018 – 9:20 PM_

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