Bulletin 270 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 11/16/2018 – 224th Day of Resistance – 8:50 PM  


  1. The PT Congressional leader, Congressman Paulo Pimenta (PT-Rio Grande do Sul) together with fellow lawmakers Paulo Teixeira (PT-São Paulo) and Wadih Damous (PT-Rio de Janeiro) filed a motion with the National Justice Council for an injunction to annul the exoneration of judge Sergio Moro. In the petition, the PT lawmakers argue that the request for exoneration cannot be accepted because it bypasses administrative disciplinary proceedings underway against Moro in the National Justice Council. Read more, and see the motion here: https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/11/16/pt-pede-ao-cnj-anulacao-da-exoneracao-de-moro-para-impedir-que-ele-fuja-de-investigacoes-dos-crimes-que-cometeu/


  1. The “good afternoon, President Lula,” shout on this Friday, November 16, the 224th day of democratic resistance in Curitiba, was lead by Rosanne Silva, a member of the Vigil’s coordinating committee. “Our goal here is to show solidarity with President Lula and show the world that we have a political prisoner here in Curitiba who the people would have elected in the first round if he had not been blocked from running,” she said.


  1. The Lula Livre Vigil welcomed a caravan of activists from Jequitinonha Valley in Northeastern Minas Gerais today. Among the arrivals was Sônia Mascarenhas, who recited poetry to her fellow comrades who continue mobilized in defense of the former President. “Life is a state of tenderness/What good are angers/we need love,” she said.


  1. Later on, the activists watched the film, “Lula, son of Brazil”. Released in 2009 and directed by Fábio Barreto, the biographical film tells the story of the ex-President form his poor childhood in rural Pernambuco to the time in which he became an icon of union militancy.


Bulletin 270 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 11/16/2018 – 224th Day of Resistance – 8:50 PM

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