President Lula, Free Lula, Lula is Innocent, Democracy, PT, Petrobras, Lava Jato, investigation prosecutors, USA, Odebrecht

Bulletin 383 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 3/9/2019 – 337 days of resistance – 6:40 PM


  1. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s lawyers filed a request for access to the $680 million dollar deal made between the Public Prosecutors Office, Petrobras and the US Department of Justice for the creation of a private fund to be managed by the Lava Jato investigation prosecutors. According to the defense, access to the material is “relevant so that the effective position of Petrobras can be analyzed,” in the case on supposed bribes by Odebrecht and also “for analysis of conduct attributed to Lula” in the accusations that led to the opening of the case. The deal has been criticized by specialists for its legal aberrations. Read more here:


  1. In the “good morning President Lula” act on this Saturday, March 9th, the members of the Lula Livre Vigil, in addition to singing songs to send force and solidarity to the ex-President, read a text entitled “Maria Maria.” The text referred to International Woman’s Day, which was commemorated on Friday, March 8th. The resistance activists in Curitiba also shouted good afternoon and good evening to Lula, as is the custom. Read more here:


Bulletin 383 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 3/9/2019 – 337 days of resistance – 6:40 PM



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