Bulletin 90 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/22/2018 – 9:30 PM

1. Sunday, May 27th is the day to tell all of the people in all the cities and towns that Lula is the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. All of the activists and PT supporters are called to put on their PT shirts, raise their flags and go to the municipal party headquarters to reaffirm that he is PT’s candidate for the presidency. Starting today, the National Party Directorate is asking for all activists to take a photo or make a video and send it to [email protected]. A booklet about Lula’s per-candidacy for printing and distribution can be downloaded at the following link: http://www.pt.org.br/veja-e-baixe-o-folheto-da-pre-candidatura-de-lula/

2. The Lula Institute has received 15,000 letters since the ex-President’s political imprisonment. They are messages of support and many stories told by Brazilian men and women of how Lula touched and improved their lives. The “Letters for Lula” drop off point has been operating in the #LulaLivre Vigil since April 7th, when the ex-President arrived at the Federal Police headquarters in Curitiba as a political prisoner.

3. Congressman Wadih Damous (PT-Rio de Janeiro) will denounce Judge Sergio Moro to the National Justice Council for conflict of interest involving Petrobras and a law firm in São Paulo. Damous uncovered a grave violation of the Magistrates Code of Ethics, caused by Moro’s participation as a speaker in an event in New York, organized by São Paulo pre-candidate for governor João Doria (PSDB) which had, among its sponsors, the law firm of Nelson Wilianis, which works for Petrobras. Damous says that Moro has promiscuous relations with Doria and all of the PSDB party. Read more here:https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/05/22/damous-vai-denunciar-moro-ao-cnj-por-conflito-de-interesses-da-petrobras-com-escritorio-de-advocacia/

4. Ex-president Lula’s defense team released a note announcing that the UN Human Rights Committee confirmed that it is officially investigating violations against Lula’s fundamental rights. Read the note here: http://www.lula.com.br/onu-confirma-que-esta-formalmente-investigando-violacoes-contra-lula-e-alerta-autoridades

5. The PT Executive Committee released a note rejecting the extinction of the Brazilian Sovereign Fund, which is comprised of resources earned from the extraction of pre-salt petroleum, and reaffirmed that the PT is resisting this Congressional Decree, in order to save this fundamental instrument for the political economic, health and educational legacy of the nation that was created by the Lula government. Read the note here: http://www.pt.org.br/nota-do-pt-nacional-sobre-extincao-do-fundo-soberano-do-brasil/

Bulletin 90 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/22/2018 – 9:30 PM

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