Bulletin 87 – Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/21/2018 – 11:30 AM

  1. Congressman Zeca Dirceu (PT – Paraná) participated in the “good morning, President Lula” yell today and afterwords he spoke with people at the #LuvaLivre Vigil. He highlighted the political character of the ex-President’s imprisonment and also talked about sectors of the judiciary and press and certain fascist group’s persecution of the PT party. Zeca also talked about the political imprisonment of his father, José Dirceu.
  1. After his court victory, Congressman Wadih Damous (PT-Rio de Janeiro) made, on this Monday, May 21st, his first visit to ex-President Lula in the role of lawyer. Ex-President of the Rio de Janeiro chapter of the Brazilian Order of Lawyers (OAB), Wadih spent part of the morning with Lula in the Federal Police headquarters in Curitiba, where the ex-President of the Republic has been detained as a political prisoner since April 7th.
  1. Father Julio Lancelotti, who has a long history working with the social movements in São Paulo, will visit ex-President Lula this afternoon, in order to give him a blessing. After the visit, the Priest will visit the #LulaLivre vigil and speak with activists there.
  1. In an article published today, the National President of PT, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (Paraná) spoke about the underworld of plea bargain testimonies in the Lava Jato investigation conducted by Judge Sergio Moro. He spoke about the accusations released over the weekend involving the lawyer Figueiredo Basto, pioneer of plea bargaining, who charged bribes to guarantee the selective silence of his clients, manipulating testimonies. Read the article here: http://www.pt.org.br/gleisi-hoffmann-o-submundo-das-delacoes-premiadas/

Bulletin 87 – Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy


Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/21/2018 – 11:30 AM

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