Bulletin 86 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 86 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 5/20/2018 – 10 PM

1. The ex-President of Congress, Marco Maia (PT-Rio Grande do Sul) participated in the “good night, President Lula” yell tonight (May 20). Olga Benário square filled up with people who participated in the customary greeting to the ex-President and sang songs to mark the endof one more day at the #LulaLivre Vigil in Curitiba. Tomorrow, Congressman Zeca Dirceu (PT-Paraná) will participate in the “good morning President Lula” yell.

2. On this Sunday the Aparecida (São Paulo) National Sanctuary filled with red, worn by hundreds of pilgrims who marched to the temple for freedom for Lula and for peace in Brazil. Coming from various cities, carrying Free Lula banners and Brazilian flags, the crowd prayed for freedom for Lula to Our Lady of Aparecida during a vigil in the town of Aparecida do Norte. The pilgrims met at the town’s old basilica, where they held an act with calls of order for freedom for Lula and for the re-establishment of democracy. From there they walked to the National Sanctuary where they participated in a mass. The meeting with activists and defenders of democracy who share the Catholic faith was organized by the Minas Gerais based Faith and Politics movement and the Inter-religious Political Forum. The pilgrimage to Aparecida joined forces with numerous ecumenical protests that have taken place for freedom for ex-President Lula, who has been a political prisoner since April 7.

3. “How did Lula enter in your life?” With this simple but very emblematic question, two writers from São Paulo, Flávia Bolaffi and Carlos Henrique Ralize, held a workshop in which people were asked to respond. The conversation transformed into a series of emotional stories by people whose lives changed because of Lula. The content of the testimonials has become the base for a book called, “Remember to Resist”, in a project that started during the experience of the Vigil in Curitiba.

4. The Lula Livre Vigil held an activity today together with the local residents in the Santa Cândida neighborhood, where the Olga Benario square is located in Curitiba. Activists visited local residents this afternoon with thank you and solidarity cards and flowers. The cards thanked the residents for their understanding and explained why continuing to resist for #LulaLivre is an action that has repercussions across the country and is done in the interest of all Brazilians who want a return to democracy with the legitimate participation of Lula in the elections.

Bulletin 86 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 5/20/2018 – 10 PM

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