Bulletin 8 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba. 4/9/2018


  1. “We are not leaving here without Lula”. This is the orientation of the Workers Party (PT) National President, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (Parana), on the length of time that the participants of the democratic vigil, #LulaLivre, will remain camped out around the Curitiba Federal Police building, where the ex-president is being held as a political prisoner.


  1. Defense lawyer Cristiano Zanin met with Lula this Sunday and says that he was calm, although very angry with the injustice that he is suffering. “Neither the condemnation nor the imprisonment before the appeals process finished are compatible with our legislation,” the lawyer said.


  1. The PT national leadership will meet at 2 PM today at party headquarters in Curitiba.


  1. A musical performance by singer Ana Cañas cheered up and inspired the people at the vigil. This political act in which diverse congressmen and women along with PT President Gleisi Hoffman are participating, serves to strengthen the certainty that Lula is a political prisoner.


  1. The World is watching what is happening with attention and perplexity at the moment. Olímpio Cruz, who was President Dilma Rousseff’s Press Secretary, has made an analysis of international press coverage. “The photo of Lula, surrounded by a crowd in front of the ABC Metallurgical Workers Union, taken by Francisco Proner, was distributed by Reuters to everyone and reproduced in important newspapers, such as the English Guardian and the Canadian Globe and Mail [along with the North American New York Times and the Spanish El Pais]. The stories printed by the main news agencies – AP, Reuters, Bloomberg, AFP, EFE, DW and Prensa Latina – spread across the whole World,” she said.


  1. In this context, Dilma Rousseff, who is the only legitimate president in Brazil until December 31, will give a series of lectures in Spain and the United States in the days to come. On Tuesday, April 10, Dilma will speak at the Casa de America in Madrid and on Wednesday, at the Law College in Barcelona. In the United States, Dilma will participate in conferences at the University of California, Berkeley on April 16, Stanford on April 17 and San Diego State on the 18th. Let’s be vigilant.


  1. During a show in Buenos Aires on Sunday Night, music legend Elza Soares denounced the coup against Brazilian democracy and the attempt to imprison “our dreams”. The large crowd at the Nestor Kirchner Cultural Center responded in force, with chants of “Free Lula! Free Lula! Free Lula!”. The video is available for watching on the internet.



Bulletin 8 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba. 4/9/2018

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