Bulletin 76 People’s Committee for the Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba 5/14/2018 – 9:50 PM


  1. The Coordinators of the #LulaLivre Vigil released an official communication on the night of Monday, May 14, in which they condone the posture of fascist groups that have attacked the camp in Curitiba with the complacency of the authorities. The text thanks the “activists, the fighters and the fighters for the people” who have demonstrated “much fiber and energy to defend freedom for the President, denounce the political nature of his imprisonment and reaffirm their votes for Lula in 2018.

Read this note:



  1. Today the ex-President received a visit from the Brazilian Benedictine Monk, writer and theologian Marcelo Barros. After the visit, Barros said that he encountered his friend with a lot of strength, will and with the indignation of those who have suffered injustice, but without hatred in his heart. Lula sent a message and greetings through the monk to the Brazilian people. He said that he will not give up at all and will continue to run for the Presidency of the Republic. He sent a special message to the people camped out in Curitiba and affirmed that they form a “collective soul” that gives him a lot of power every day.


  1. Professora Josete, the Curitiba City Councilwoman, participated in the “Democracia em Rede” program today, to talk about the Mayor of Curitiba Rafael Greca’s political actions. Instead of assuming a republican and managerial posture, Greca, according to her, has positioned himself in an antidemocratic manner against the #LulaLivre Democratic Vigil. The Mayor is acting in an arbitrary and croneyist manner to try to remove the Vigil from Curitiba, according to the City Councilwoman. See her interview at https://www.facebook.com/vigilialulalivre/videos/191573948130102/


  1. During a public class at the camp on this Monday, May 14, professors from Parana Federal University (UFPR) denounced the dismantlement of public universities led by Michel Temer. For them, the height of the coup process which removed elected President Dilma Rousseff from office is happening now, with the attempt to remove ex-President Lula from the October elections. The CUT labor union federation also launched its course platform during today’s Vigil. Watch at http://www.pt.org.br/assista-aula-publica-golpe-de-2016-e-o-futuro-da-democracia/


  1. On this Monday night in São Paulo another edition of the Journey for Democracy took place, bringing together artists, intellectuals, social movement leaders, parliamentarians and directors in defense of #LulaLivre. The act also paid homage to City Councilwoman Marielle Franco, who was assassinated in Rio de Janeiro two months ago together with Anderson Gomes, and the economist Paul Singer, the creator of solidarity economics, who died last month. During the act the second volume of the book, “Encyclopedia of the Coup” which details the role of the communications industry during the events of 2016, was released.


  1. Confirming the preference of the electorate, ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva leads in all of the polls for the 2018 elections. According to a new poll by the MDA institute, which was commissioned by the National Transport Federation (CNT) and released this Monday, May 14, Lula is the preferred candidate for 32.4% of the Brazilian electorate, even though he has been maintained as a political prisoner for more than 30 days in Curitiba. In a potential scenario without Lula the number of people who say they will not vote increases dramatically to 31.7%. Confirm the details of this poll here: http://www.pt.org.br/pesquisa-cnt-mda-lula-lidera-com-32-mesmo-como-preso-politico


Bulletin 76 People’s Committee for the Defense of Lula and Democracy


Curitiba 5/14/2018 – 9:50 PM



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