Curitiba,Paraná, Brazil – 5/7/2018 – 7:30 PM
- This Monday, May 7th, marks the one-month anniversary of the resistance movement to ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s political imprisonment, in front of the Federal Police headquarters in Curitiba, where he is being detained in an arbitrary and unconstitutional manner. It has been one month that has transformed Curitiba into the capital of resistance, with the #LulaLivre Democratic Vigil and three camps set up near the Federal Police headquarters. Protests are held every day on the Olga Benário corner in front of the Federal Police headquarters, for the defense of democracy and freedom for Lula, setting an example for other cities across the country and abroad.
- The support and solidarity materializes every day with the “Good Morning President Lula” yell, made by hundreds of activists, parliamentarians, artists and personalities who denounce the arbitrary decision by Sérgio Moro. There are shows, speeches and different activities during each day.
- The date did not pass by unnoticed in Curitiba. Early this morning hundreds of defenders of freedom for Lula occupied Osório square, Curitiba’s traditional boca maldita and distributed pamphlets commemorating this month of resistance. They were well received by the population, showing that in Curitiba, as in the rest of Brazil, people want to know how it could be possible that the greatest popular leader that the country has ever had could become a political prisoner.
- During the start of the afternoon, defenders of Lula and democracy held signs and banners in a peaceful protest in front of the Paraná Federal Justice building, where judge Sergio Moro works. During the short time during which the Military Police permitted the protest to continue, the activists waved their signs and banners which said things like, “We need to resist!”, and “Lula Innocent, Lula President!”
- The renowned theologian Leonardo Boff visited ex-President Lula in his political prison and spent an hour and a half with him today. Afterwords, he spoke about his conversation with the Lula to supporters who remain in the #LulaLivre Vigil and said that he is well, strong and determined, but also angry with his unjust condemnation, without any proof against him. Boff said that Lula reaffirmed that he is still running for President!
- During the entire month, thousands of people from all of the Brazilian states and various countries in Latin America and Europe passed through the #LulaLivre Democratic Vigil camp. The lens of photojournalist Joka Madruga registered important moments in the Vigil, in images that confirm the dimensions of the meaning of the imprisonment of a popular leader of the magnitude of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. What can bee seen in the photo collection is that even the greatest injustices can generate beauty, emotion and hope. The photos can be seen here:
- Congressman Jorge Solla (PT-Bahia) spent the entire day at the Marisa Leticia camp in the #LulaLivre Vigil in Curitiba. He joined the ranks of dozens of Congressmen who have visited the location. “I am here saying good morning to the President and expressing my indignation and the need to not remain quiet while facing so much injustice,” he said.
Bulletin 67 – People’s Committee for the Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba – 5/7/2018 – 7:30 PM