Bulletin 6 –Popular Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 6 –Popular Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Direct from Curitiba, Paraná,Brazil – 04/08/2018 – 11:30 a.m

1. Lula complies with the judicial decision and went from being a victim of a judicial persecution to that of a political prisoner. He arrived in Curitiba at 10:00 p.m. and when the helicopter carrying him landed at the Federal Police headquarters there were more than 1,000 people there to support him, while about 60 activists of hatred harassed him.

2. Former President Lula was in the company of his attorney Cristiano Zanin Martins for a long period. He slept soundly and was not mistreated by the local agents. He remains calm and peaceful. His strength comes from the affection of the people, which feeds the feeling back.

3. The vigil in Curitiba to support the greatest president of our history will be permanent. Visits from international leaders are being scheduled. Until the day Lula is released, thousands of people will spend every day in the place that Sergio Moro hoped would be known only as the city where Lula is serving his sentence, but in reality it will become a landmark of the pilgrimage of the Brazilian people for justice, democracy and respect for fundamental rights.

4. This image – of thousands of people expressing solidarity to a political prisoner in front of the place where Lula is being punished illegally and illegitimately – was not in the Judge Sérgio Moro’s plan. The same plan that he outlined during a one-hour lecture in the Chamber of the Deputies when he quoted the United States 15 times*. To the grief of Yankee interests and Brazil’s fascist right-wing activists, Sérgio Moro transformed Lula into a living martyr, a symbol of what elites are able to do to prevent people from being treated with respect and dignity by rulers.

5. Speaking of fascism, the Federal Police showed their brutality at the exact same time Lula’s helicopter landed. More than two dozen people – including children and elderly people – were injured by the Federal Police’s attack with tear gas bombs. There are tons of videos and photos on the Internet that exposes the level of violence of the Brazilian police to the world. An occurence report was registered in the 4th Police District of Curitiba and the section of the Brazilian Bar Association of Paraná will follow the investigation that will be opened on Monday to investigate the case.

6. At 3:00 pm today in Curitiba, a press conference will be held – with a live broadcast on the Internet – on PF’s violence against the vigil and other issues related to Lula’s defense.

7. Throughout the day many caravans with Lula’s supporters from various cities around Curitiba are expected to arrive. Only in the state of Santa Catarina, more than 1,000 people are confirmed.

8. Judge Sérgio Moro, Lava-Jato’s prosecutors, and the Federal Police in Curitiba thought they would be Lula’s prison officers, but in fact they will become the postmen of the Brazilian people to the greatest symbol of popular struggle that has ever existed in Brazil . Letters to Lula can be sent to the following address:

Superintendência Policia Federal
Para Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
R. Profa. Sandália Monzon, 210 – Santa Cândida, Curitiba/PR
CEP: 82640-040

* Video of Sergio Moro declaring his love for the United States

Popular Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
#Bulletin 6 – 04/08/2018 – 11:30 pm

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