Bulletin 585 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 585 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 9/28/2019 – 539 days of resistance – 6:40 PM

1. One day after the Lava Jato task force defended the idea of transferring Lula to a semi-open incarceration regime, the former President’s social media accounts released a section of an interview on TV 247 in which he made his position on the matter clear. “I will only leave with 100% of my innocence.” He said that his greatest pleasure would be to leave his prison cell and see former judge Sérgio Moro and public prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol enter in his place, for committing crimes during the Lava Jato investigation. Watch part of the video here: https://pt.org.br/lula-eu-so-saio-daqui-com-100-da-minha-inocencia/

2. On this Saturday, September 28th, a group of current and former mayors visited the Lula Livre Vigil. They participated in the “Good morning President Lula!” shout, together with the activists, and made it clear that they support the fight for freedom for former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Later, there was a conversation circle during which they spoke of how it was great to govern during Lula’s two mandates (2003-2010), due to his performance implementing public policies that were good for the municipalities. Read more here: https://pt.org.br/vigilia-recebe-prefeitos-e-ex-prefeitos-que-exigem-a-liberdade-de-lula/

3. This Saturday, September 28th, the Lula Livre Vigil held a conversation round with ex-Senator and Minister of Institutional Relations and Human Rights in the Dilma Rousseff government Ideli Salvatti and former Secretary of Federative Subjects in the Lula Government Vicente Trevas. Both spoke of challenges for the year 2020. Watch it here: https://bit.ly/2mHkGCd

4. During the “Good afternoon, President Lula!” shout this Saturday, a letter of support signed by over 150 current and former mayors was read. “Your work together with the municipal governments, in the recent past, is a beacon for the future that we want to build for the Brazilian people. Next year’s elections will bring the challenge of restarting the democratic, people’s agenda at the municipal level. We miss you a lot. We are here because your freedom is in the essence of our struggle,” say a passage from the letter.

Bulletin 585 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 9/28/2019 – 539 days of resistance – 6:40 PM

Lula, Free Lula, democracy, injustice, innocence, Lava Jato’s crimes, Sérgio Moro, Deltan Dallagnol, Ideli Salvatti, Dilma Rousseff, Human Rights,

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