Bulletin 566 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 9/8/2019 – 519 days of resistance – 8:20 PM
1. The Folha de São Paulo and the Intercept Brazil released, on this Sunday, September 8th, social media dialogue which reveals Sérgio Moro’s  collusion to leak an illegally recorded conversation between Lula and then President Dilma Rousseff to the media. The article shows that a Federal Police agent continued listening to the conversation and telling the prosecuting attorney’s what was being said even after an order was given to suspend the recordings. The conversations between the prosecutors, investigators and Federal Police Agent Luciano Flores – who oversaw coercive questioning of former President Lula and was later nominated by Moro as Federal Police Superintendent of Paraná – reveals that the eavesdropping of Lula’s conversations was followed in real time and immediately shared on Telegram. They also omitted leaking conversations in which  Lula said that he would accept the Chief of Staff  position in the Rousseff Government to try to prevent a coup from happening and not to protect himself from criminal charges, as was widely reported in the media at the time. Read more here:  https://pt.org.br/dialogos-revelam-conluio-entre-moro-para-vazar-grampo-ilegal-entre-lula-e-dilma/
3. Former President Lula’s defense team issued a statement about the collusion between Sérgio Moro and Public Prosecutors in the illegal recordings of Dilma and Lula. According to Lula’s lawyers, the articles in the Folha de São Paulo and the Intercept Brasil reveal the true story and “expose the gross illegalities practiced.” Read the whole statement here:  https://pt.org.br/nota-da-defesa-de-lula-sobre-conluio-de-moro-e-procuradores-nos-grampos-ilegais/
4. The Lava Jato prosecutors were willing to commit crimes to block former President Lula from accepting a cabinet post and to create political conditions for the coup against former President Dilma Rousseff – which enabled the rise of neofascism represented by Jair Bolsonaro. This is what a passage from the story published in the Folha de São Paulo in partnership with the Intercept revealed this Sunday, September 8th. The article makes it clear that the leaking of the illegally recorded conversation between former President Lula and then President Dilma was illegal. Warned of this, federal public prosecutor Dalton Dallagnol ignored the fact that it was illegal and admitted that the process was political. Despite being warned by colleagues on the Lava Jato task force, Dallagnol said that the fact that it was illegal was irrelevant and said that the illegal leaking of the conversation between Lula and Dilma had political motives. Read more here: https://pt.org.br/alertado-deltan-ignorou-ilegalidade-do-grampo-e-admitiu-que-processo-era-politico/
Bulletin 566 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 9/8/2019 – 519 days of resistance – 8:20 PM

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