Bulletin 557 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 557 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba – 8/30/2019 – 510 days of resistance – 8:00 pm

1. The “Good morning, President Lula” yell this Friday (August 30) was coordinated by the PT Women’s State Secretariat of Paraná. Graça, from the Alvorada de Belo Horizonte Collective, and Maria Helena, from the CUT labor union Rio Grande do Sul Training Secretariat, were also invited to convey a message of support and solidarity to the former president. State Representative Ivo Ferreira (PT-São Paulo) spoke to the activists at the Vigil and stressed that Lula is a political prisoner. “We want Lula to be free because only he can help Brazil.”

2. The group Mistura Popular, from the People Affected by Dams Movement (MAB in Portuguese), celebrated the afternoon at the Free Lula Vigil on Friday (August 30) with songs that are part of the repertoire of activist struggles. The performance was a great tribute to the former president, who could certainly hear them. Among other classics, the group sang “Vida de Viajante,” one of Luiz Gonzaga’s greatest hits and one of Lula’s favorite songs. Watch the video here: https://bit.ly/2UhMwBs

3. On Thursday (August 29) the president of CUT labor union Rio Grande do Sul, Claudir Nespolo, visited the Vigil and remembered the 36 years since foundation of CUT. “Lula, who at the time was a worker and directed the metallurgists category, was part of the process of founding the union. The story of the CUT union in this period is a beautiful one. Together with the MST, the PT and other leftist parties, the CUT helped open the doors of democracy in Brazil and created the possibility for the poor to have opportunities,” he said. He lamented the fact that the ruling class, who despise the poor, orchestrated a coup against President Dilma Rousseff, which led to Lula’s unjust and political arrest. Read more: https://bit.ly/2PrQd93

Bulletin 557 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba – 8/30/2019 – 510 days of resistance – 8:00 pm


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