Bulletin 556 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 8/29/2019 – 509 days of resistance – 9:00 pm
1. Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva spoke about the main political events in Brazil, without avoiding any questions, in an interview with the BBC released on Thursday (August 29). He criticized the environmental policy of the far-right Bolsonaro government and advocated preservation and sustainable development in the Amazon. Lula also spoke about Operation Lava Jato, former Judge Sergio Moro, Prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, and the inhumanity of the prosecutors who mocked his grief. On the subject of Bolsonaro, he said that he was only “elected because I was prevented from being a candidate.” Read more here: https://pt.org.br/da-lava-jato-a-amazonia-os-melhores-momentos-da-entrevista-de-lula-a-bbc/
2. Lula was visited today the federal representatives Paulo Pimenta (PT-Rio Grande do Sul) and Paulo Teixeira (PT-São Paulo), with whom he discussed the situation in Brazil. “While it is true that we are going through a difficult time, it also true that during crises solutions emerge. There is no other way than fighting, organizing and resisting,” said the former president, as relayed by Paulo Pimenta. Pimenta and Teixeira said that Lula is concerned about the troubled political scenario that Brazil is going through, “about the destruction of the Amazon, of people’s rights, of public companies and the attacks on democracy and national sovereignty undertaken by the Bolsonaro government.” Read more here: https://pt.org.br/lula-nao-ha-outro-caminho-que-nao-seja-o-da-luta-e-o-da-resistencia/
3. The Free Lula Vigil is today the largest democratic redoubt in the country, standing fast for more than 500 days in defense of freedom for former President Lula, who has been a political prisoner since April 7, 2018. With Lula prevented from running for president, Bolsonaro’s victory and the inauguration of an extreme right-wing government, the rights of the Brazilian people have been attacked on a daily basis.  This scenario was the subject of a conversation circle held at the Vigil on the afternoon of Thursday (29) with the presence of some of the big names from the Workers Party. Read more here: https://pt.org.br/petistas-debatem-conjuntura-nacional-na-vigilia-lula-livre/
4. Wanderlei Pignati, a doctor, professor and researcher at the Center for Environmental Studies and Occupational Health at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, was deeply moved as he joined in the cry of “Good morning, President Lula!” this Thursday (August 29). He then spoke to activists about the high rates of childhood cancer and fetal malformation in pregnant women living near areas where pesticides are sprayed. Wanderlei Pignati is at the forefront of several research projects related to serious health problems in areas where pesticides are used in large quantities. Learn more here: https://bit.ly/2Pn61cW
Bulletin 556 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba – 8/29/2019 – 509 days of resistance – 9:00 pm

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