Bulletin 537 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 8/10/2019 – 491 days of resistance – 6:50 PM

1. The traditional “good morning, President Lula!” shout, on this Saturday, August 10th, the 491st day of political imprisonment for the former President, was joined in by new visitors from Rio de Janeiro, Santos-SP and Campinas-SP. During the greetings, the activists remembered that next Tuesday, August 13th, there will be protests against the right wing extremist Jair Bolsonaro’s government and in defense of the public education and retirement systems in cities and towns across Brazil. The activists also spoke of the March of the Margaridas, which will take place in Brasilia on Wednesday, August 14th. Watch video here: https://bit.ly/2TwcOzL

2. The Lula Livre Vigil hosted a conversation circle this Saturday afternoon to debate the revelations in the Intercept and other media outlets and their impact on the national political scenario. Recently the newspaper El Pais also published articles about the criminal corruption scheme involving Lava Jato task force prosecutors and ex-judge Sérgio Moro. Paulo Adolfo Nitsche, Paraná director of the PC do B party, participated in the conversation.

3. The ‘Good afternoon, President Lula’ shout was, once again, coordinated by the comrades from the PC do B Party. Activists from the Santa Catarina state Central Única dos Trabalhadores (Unified Workers Central/CUT) union confederation also visited the democratic resistance space. CUT Santa Catarina President Ana Júlia thanked the activists at the Vigil and said, “I bring greetings from Santa Catarina because it is with the hard daily struggle that we will conquest freedom for President Lula. We are in other battles and we cannot always be here, but I know that there is always someone here from Santa Catarina to bring our hugs to you and to President Lula, who did so much for the poor and the working class.” Watch video here: https://bit.ly/2Z0LjPX

Bulletin 537 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 8/10/2019 – 491 days of resistance – 6:50 PM

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