Bulletin 464 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 464 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 5/29/2019 – 418 days of resistance – 7:15 PM


  1. Pope Francis sent a letter to former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in which he encouraged him not to lose his spirits and affirmed that, “in the end, good will triumph over evil, the truth will prevail the lies and salvation will overcome condemnation.” The Pope also expressed his “spiritual closeness” during the “hard tests” that Lula has been submitted to. The text is a response to a letter sent by the former President to the Pope in March. Read the whole letter here: https://pt.org.br/papa-envia-carta-a-lula-no-fim-a-verdade-vencera-a-mentira/


  1. The Paraná State Congressional PT bloc participated in the “good morning, President!” shout on this Wednesday, May 29th. Lawmakers Arilson Chiorato, Luciana Rafagnin, Tadeu Veneri and Professor Lemos took part in the morning greetings. They congratulated the Lula Livre Vigil for its resistance in defense of the democratic rule of law and justice for Lula, in a movement which has lasted more than 400 days. The parliamentarians also spoke of the importance of freedom for Lula to block the setbacks that are being imposed by the Brazilian people on the current government. Watch video here: http://bit.ly/2EGX6vk


  1. Today’s “good afternoon, President!” shout was joined in by students from 9 countries who are on an exchange program in a multinational company based in Curitiba. In addition to Brazil the youth represented Peru, the Dominican Republic, Nicaraguá, Mexico, Chile, Germany, Argentina and Uruguay in yet another demonstration of international solidarity for the former President. Paulo Cayres, president of the Unified Workers Central (CUT) National Metallurgical Workers Confederation was also at the Vigil and led the greeting along with the exchange students. Read more here: https://pt.org.br/jovens-sindicalistas-de-9-paises-visitam-a-vigilia-lula-livre-em-curitiba/


Bulletin 464 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 5/29/2019 – 418 days of resistance – 7:15 PM


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