Bulletin 432 – Lula interview causes world wide repercussion

Bulletin 432 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 4/27/2019 – 386 days of resistance – 5:15 PM

1. The press and websites around the world reacted to the first interview by former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as a political prisoner, which was given on Friday, April 26th, to the Folha de São Paulo and El Pais newspapers, highlighting his affirmation that Brazil is now being governed by a “group of lunatics” and that he will fight to show the Brazilian people and the world how Sérgio Moro framed him to incriminate him and remove him from the electoral dispute. Read more here: https://tinyurl.com/y5fwm2ar

2. During the interview given to the two newspapers, Lula strongly criticized right wing extremist Jair Bolsonaro’s project of Brazil as a colony governed to meet the geopolitical and economic needs of the United States and not of Brazil. “The day that I get out of here, they know I will have one foot on the road to, together with the people, raise our heads and not let them deliver Brazil to the Americans. To end this mutt complex.” He called Bolsonaro a pawn of the United States for attacking national sovereignty and the interests of the Brazilian people. “I never saw a Brazilian President salute the American flag,” he said. Read the whole interview here: https://tinyurl.com/yyf5fonu

3. While the main vehicles of the world press highlighted Lula’s interview, the two largest TV networks in Brazil, Globo and Record, threw the practice of good journalism into the garbage and simply ignored the main political fact of the week. The two communications groups showed that they have no commitment to democracy or their viewers and censored the interview. During the interview Lula spoke about his condition as political prisoner and the role that the media had in destroying Brazil, among other themes. Read more here: https://tinyurl.com/y2pqyf84

4. In Brazil, the interview reignited the activists in Bahia, who came out in defense of the former President in one more public Lulaço demonstration in Salvador on this Saturday, April 27th. In a shopping mall in the city, dozens of people held a protest to the classic sounds of “Olê olê olê olá, Lula, Lula!”. On the social media networks the subject remained on the list of most commented 24 hours after it first appeared on Twitter’s trending topics. See more here: https://twitter.com/LulaOficial/status/1122174365393723393/video/1

5. At the Lula Livre Vigil the activists, who have come from states like Minas Gerais and São Paulo paid tribute to the ex-President and sang some of his favorite songs. Luiz Gonzaga, who he is a fan of, dominated the repertory. Watch video here: http://twixar.me/m27K

Bulletin 432 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 4/27/2019 – 386 days of resistance – 5:15 PM


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