Bulletin 417 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 417 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 4/12/2019 – 371 days of resistance – 7:40 PM


  1. Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, through his social media networks, spoke about the arrest of WikiLeaks founder and journalist Julian Assange. According to Lula, Assange is a “hero of our times”, for “his actions contributing to unmasking the manipulation of the facts by US intelligence agencies.” He also said, “He did more for democracy in the world than many elected leaders.” Read more here: http://twixar.me/q2yK


  1. The linguist, philosopher and political scientist Noam Chomsky gave an interview to Democracy Now in which he compared the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with that of ex-President Lula. He criticized the prohibition of Lula to make public statements and said that the former President is “the most important political prisoner in the world.” And he asked, “Have you heard anything in the press about this? Well, Assange is a similar case. ‘We have to silence this voice’ ”. Read more here: https://www.brasil247.com/pt/247/mundo/390053/Noam-Chomsky-diz-que-pris%C3%A3o-de-Julian-Assange-est%C3%A1-ligada-%C3%A0-de-Lula.htm


  1. On this Friday, April 12, a group of comrades from Germany visited the Lula Livre Vigil and delivered a petition for the release of the former President. The signatures were collected in a document organized by a non-governmental organization in Germany. The German activists also gave the Vigil two copies of the German magazine Brasilein, which have a photo of Lula on the cover. Watch a video about it here: https://bit.ly/2UUOM4l


  1. Former Education Minister Aloizio Mercadante said, during an interview on TV 247, that Lula was the greatest president in the history of Brazil. He cited a recent poll by CUT/Vox Populi which shows that, for 48% of the Brazilian population, Lula was the greatest President in the history of the Republic. Read more here: http://www.institutolula.org/mercadante-lula-e-o-melhor-presidente-da-historia-e-o-segundo-e-nenhum


  1. The State Lula Livre March in Bahia continues towards Salvador, with thousands of members of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST). The activists are denouncing the political imprisonment of Lula and demanding his freedom. See documentation of the march released today, April 12th by the MST here: https://bit.ly/2IeLSBt


  1. Another letter was written to former President Lula on the website Letters for Lula. This time, the author was Ricardo Kotscho, a journalist who has worked from the most important communications companies of the country who was a press liaison for Lula during three electoral campaigns for the Presidency of the Republic. Read the letter here: https://cartasprolula.com.br/carta/ricardo-kotscho/


  1. On this Saturday, April 13, at 3 PM, the #LulaLivre Festival will kick off in Porto Alegre at the Prestes Memorial. More than an event, the #FestivalLulaLivre is a cultural and political movement in defense of Brazil and the Brazilian people. Check the schedule here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2281118025495448/


Bulletin 417 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 4/12/2019 – 371 days of resistance – 7:40 PM


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