Bulletin 265 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 11/11/2018 – 219th Day of Resistance – 6:50 PM


  1. In a statement released this Sunday, November 11, The PT National Executive Commission denounced Army Commander General Vilas Boas’ confession, in an interview, to have directly interfered to block the Federal Supreme Court from releasing ex-President Lula in April of this year. “In affirming that, according to his criteria, Lula’s freedom would cause, ‘instability’, the general confirms that the condemnation of the greatest political leader of the country was a political operation, with the goal of impeding him from being elected president of the republic.” Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/nota-do-partido-dos-trabalhadores-de-repudio-a-tutela-militar/


  1. PT President, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (Paraná) said today, November 11, that Army Commander General Eduardo Villas Bôas, hatched a scheme involving sectors of the media and the judiciary to remove ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from the Presidential race that ended up electing Jair Bolsonaro (PSL). “General Villas Bôas’ statements reveal the political plot against Lula. They make it clear that there was interference in the decision of the Federal Supreme Court”, she said in postings on her social media accounts today. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/villas-boas-evidencia-trama-politica-contra-lula-diz-gleisi/


  1. The National Lula Livre Committee will meet on this Monday, November 12th, in Curitiba to debate the advances of neoliberal policies during the Michel Temer government and their deepening in the Jair Bolsonaro government in 2019. The meeting will include participation of PT President Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (Paraná), PT Congressional Leader Paulo Pimenta (Rio Grande do Sul) and MST coordinator João Pedro Stédile, who will reinforce the fight for freedom for ex-President Lula, who has been a political prisoner for 219 days. The meeting will take place in the Sindepetro petroleum workers union headquarters, which is located on 2064 Lamenha Lins street, in Rebouças neighborhood in Curitiba.


  1. The members of the Lula Livre National Committee will also visit the Lula Livre Vigil this Monday to debate the plans for the popular struggle and consciousness raising of society against the attacks on workers’ rights. The delegation will also discuss the struggle for the release of former President Lula.


  1. Created by Lula, the Luz para Todos (Lights for All) program marks its 15th anniversary this Sunday, with the result being 16 million people leaving darkness, according to government estimates. Since 2003, when it was created, it has been considered one of the most successful public policies of the Federal Government. Coordinated by the Mines and Energy Ministry, it also received support from Electrobras public electricity utility and cooperatives, social organizations and members of the communities themselves. Read more here:   http://www.pt.org.br/luz-para-todos-completa-15-anos-atendendo-16-milhoes-de-pessoas/


Bulletin 265 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 11/11/2018 – 219th Day of Resistence – 6:50 PM


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