Bulletin 262 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 262 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 11/8/2018 – 216th Day of Resistance – 7:50 PM


  1. Today, ex-President Luiz Inácio da Silva received a visit from the PT leader in Congress, Paulo Pimenta (Rio Grande do Sul) and Homeless Workers Movement (MTST) leader Guilherme Boulos. He told both of them the need for the democratic forces of the nation to mobilize in defense of democracy, national sovereignty and the rights of the working class, in the face of the threat represented by the right wing extremist Jair Bolsonaro. According to Pimenta, Lula is in good shape, is healthy and is aware of the historic role that he is playing and the reasons why he is being held as a political prisoner in Curitiba. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/lava-jato-sempre-foi-projeto-de-poder-de-moro-aponta-pimenta/



  1. Congressman Pimenta spoke to the activists in the Lula Livre Vigil and highlighted the importance of the mobilization. “President Lula is very thankful to the Vigil and made a point of saying that he should keep his head high and that the Brazilian people never stopped trusting him,” he said. Before visiting Lula, Pimenta visited the Marielle Franco Space, where the Landless Workers Movement (MST) is holding a course for communicators from their movement along with indigenous leaders and people affected by dams.


  1. The good afternoon shout to Lula on this Thursday, the 216th day of democratic resistance in Curitiba, was led by 8-year-old Sofia Câmara who came from Chapecó, Santa Catarina, with her parents. Before Congressman Pimenta visited Lula, Sofia gave him a book that she wrote, called, “The future depends on you.” She also gave Congressman Pimenta an autographed copy of her book, with a letter that he delivered to Lula for her.


  1. The activist Isa Godoy also delivered a present for Paulo Pimenta to bring to Lula: a blanket that the woman’s group Linhas do Horizonte, from Minas Gerais, made for him. The blanked that will now warm the former president is embroidered with the verses of a poem by Guimarães Rosa: “Life is this way, it heats up and cools down, squeeze and it heats up, relax and it cools off. What it wants from us is courage.”

Bulletin 262 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 11/8/2018 – 216th Day of Resistance – 7:50 PM



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