Bulletin 257 – Mercadante to Bolsonaro’s General: “”What is unpatriotic is saluting the American flag”

Bulletin 257 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 11/3/2018 – 6:40 PM

1. Former Minister Aloizio Mercadante defended ex-Foreign Affairs Minister Celso Amorim from attacks by General Augusto Heleno, the future Defense Minister of Jair Bolsonaro’s right wing extremist government. The general called Amorim’s posture in defense of freedom for the political prisoner Lula unpatriotic, but Mercadante responded, “what bothers many people and embarrasses the patriotic members of the military, the diplomatic corps and the Brazilian people is a president who, in addition to defending torture and death squads, salutes the American flag, hands over Embraer and the Pre-Salt offshore petroleum reserves, ends the space program and negotiates to build an American military base in the Brazilian northeast.” Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/general-ataca-celso-amorim-por-denunciar-prisao-politica-de-lula/

2. Since Judge Sergio Moro ordered imprisonment for Lula in a manipulated process without evidence, the World has perceived how the former President is being persecuted. This has now been further confirmed by Moro’s decision to leave the tenured position of judge to become a minister in Bolsonaro’s government. The argument that Lula is a political prisoner is supported by jurists from Brasil and around with world, former Nobel Prize laureates and many ex-heads of state, such as François Hollande, José Luiz Zapatero, Massimo d’Alema, and also for leaders such as Senator Bernie Sanders who is the most popular politician in the United States today.

3. In a text published in the social media, former Minister Tarso Genro exhorted the Federal Supreme Court, out of respect for the Constitution, to concede a “Habeus Corpus to Lula, to get him out of jail in Curitiba, due to the bias shown by judge Sergio Moro, proven by his current conduct.” The ex-Minister is referring to the fact that Lula was arrested by Moro and removed from the electoral process after being sentenced without proof. Now, Moro is becoming a Cabinet Minister for Jair Bolsonaro, who was elected because Lula was not allowed to participate in the race. The ex-President, even from behind bars, led all of the electoral polls and would have won in the first round. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/tarso-genro-stf-tem-o-dever-de-libertar-lula/

4. The Lula Livre Vigil received two feminist samba groups from São Paulo today, November 3, the Amigas do Samba and Samba da Elis. Both groups sang and gave words of support for the activists who have been in Curitiba for 211 days, denouncing Lula’s political imprisonment and defending his freedom.

Bulletin 257 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 11/3/2018 – 6:40 PM

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