Bulletin 242 – People’s Committee in Defense of Brasil and Democracy

Straight out of Curitiba – 10/18/2018 – 7:50 PM


  1. PT National President, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann and ex-Minister Franklin Martins visited former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva today, in the federal police headquarters in Curitiba. Gleisi said that Lula has been following the news about the electoral process and understands that the article published in Folha de São Paulo today exposes the monumental fraud built by the PSL candidate, with lies spread through the social media sub world funded with illegal slush fund money. Franklin Martins spoke of the lack of courage of the candidate, who has been hiding from the debates with Fernando Haddad and avoiding debating him about proposals for Brazil. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/gleisi-com-caixa-2-campanha-de-bolsonaro-gera-fraude-eleitoral/


  1. The good afternoon shout to ex-President Lula on this Thursday, at the Lula Livre Vigil, was lead by Marcelo Pontes from the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST). He recited a poem by Charlie Chaplin, written more than 50 years ago, which still managed to inspire the activists who are defending democracy. “Fight with determination, embrace life with passion, lose with class and win with boldness, because the world belongs to those who dare and life is too beautiful to be negligible. There would be no choices in life if everything was achieved easily. Go to the struggle, comrade!”


  1. This afternoon, on the 195th day of resistance in defense of democracy and freedom for Lula, the Vigil hosted a guitar and song session with the popular Curitiba musician Susi Monte Serrat.


  1. Outside of the Vigil, activists walked the streets of Curitiba all day, distributing pamphlets and stickers and speaking with the population about what is at stake on October 28th, in the run off election for the presidency of the Republic. As Miriam Gonçalves, the former Vice Mayor of Curitiba for the PT Party, explained, on the one hand there is a candidate who has no commitment to democracy and the rights of the Brazilian people, and on the other hand there is the ticket of Fernando Haddad and Manuela D’ Ávila, who are supported by parties, social movements and people who believe in democratic freedoms and national sovereignty.


 Bulletin 242 – People’s Committee in Defense of Brasil and Democracy

Straight out of Curitiba – 10/18/2018 – 7:50 PM


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