- Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva released another note to the Brazilian people on his social networks today in which he talks about the current political moment. Lula reminded the people that he was barred from running and said that he trusts that Fernando Haddad will win the elections and “make Brazil happy again”. The full note says, “I was barred from running and being on the streets with the people, but comrade Haddad represents me. I have total confidence in him. And he will make Brazil happy again with our votes”.
- Today, while the opening of the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations took place in New York, as illegitimate president Michel Temer told lies about Brazilian democracy and his disastrous neoliberal polices, protesters outside the multilateral organization’s headquarters braved the rain to demand freedom for Lula. The activists from the Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee held a Lulaço protest in front of the delegations and diplomats’ entrances and denounced the fact that Brazil is disobeying an international treaty and a ruling by the UN Human Rights Committee that it should guarantee that Lula’s political rights be respected. Read more here: https://lula.com.br/freelula-e-lulalivre-na-abertura-da-73a-assembleia-geral-das-nacoes-unidas/
- This afternoon, on Tuesday, September 25th, National PT Secretary Rodrigo Mondego, Julian Rodrigues, PT Human Rights Secretary, and Crispiano Neto, a people’s poet from Rio Grande do Norte, led the conversation circle at the #LulaLivre Vigil. They spoke of the advances in human rights that were made in Brazil during the PT governments and warned of that setbacks that are underway, not only with the current illegitimate government, but also in programs defended by certain candidates for the presidency of the Republic.
- Pedro Carrano, from the Frente Brasil Popular (Brazil People’s Front) led the “good afternoon” yell to Lula today. He spoke of the importance of resistance in Curitiba to strengthen the political struggle in the country, in defense of democracy and against the arbitrary conviction of the ex-President. This Tuesday marks 172 days of the Lula Livre Vigil.
- The formation of activists is fundamental for political struggle, defending democracy and sustaining a progressive governmental project. With this premise, the Movimento de Trabalhadores Sem Terra (Landless Workers Movement/MST) is holding a course in Curitiba for 64 activists from Southern Brazil. The classes are taking place in the Marielle Franco Lives Space, which is located in the Lula Livre Vigil. The MST’s political formation course started on September 11 and will go on until October 2. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/mst-promove-cursos-de-formacao-na-vigilia-lula-livre/
Bulletin 219 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 9/25/2018 – 7:40 PM