Bulletin 213 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 9/19/2018 – 7.20 PM


  1. Representatives of five parliamentary blocs from Europe and Latin America today (September 19) issued a joint statement in Vienna denouncing the “grave democratic crisis” Brazil has been in “since the coup against President Dilma Rousseff” and condemning the “judicial, political and media persecution and campaigns of criminalization directed at distinguished progressive leaders,” with direct mention of former presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Rafael Correa of Ecuador, as well as former Argentine senator and president Cristina Kirchner. Read more:



  1. Former President Lula criticized reserve general Hamilton Mourão (PRTB), vice-presidential candidate of Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), for saying that poor families with only a mother and a grandmother are “misfit factories”. Lula described the Mourão’s opinion as ridiculous and suggested that he take a course on humanism. Read the message in full:



  1. The Supreme Electoral Court unanimously ruled that Lula’s image and voice may be used in radio and television broadcasts made by “The People Happy Again” Coalition (made up of the Workers’ Party (PT), the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) and the Republican Party of the Social Order (Pros)), in the 25% time slot reserved for the supporters of the presidential candidate Fernando Haddad and his vice presidential candidate Manuela D’Ávila. The right to use Lula’s image and voice is guaranteed by law, but opponents of the former president and the PT had presented a series of representations that, in fact, constituted an attempt to censor the image of Lula as a supporter of the Haddad-D’Ávila ticket.


  1. Judge Sérgio Moro, in an order issued on Wednesday (September 19), reaffirmed that there is no evidence linking the Petrobras contracts listed by the Lava Jato Public Prosecutor’s Office, or any Petrobras funds, with the supposed advantages that Lula is alleged to have received in respect of an apartment in the seaside town of Guarujá – an apartment that does not belongs to and was never used by the former president. This is important because it reinforces the fact that Moro’s conviction was made without any evidence, and is based solely and exclusively on the testimony of a co-defendant who received a reduced sentence for making an accusation against Lula. Read more: http://www.pt.org.br/despacho-de-moro-reforca-falta-de-provas-na-sentenca-de-lula/


  1. The 166th day of resistance of the #LulaLivre Vigil was bolstered by the presence of activists from the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB). They sent a message to the Marinho family, the owners of the Globo media organization: “The truth is hard to take: Rede Globo supported the dictatorship, and continues to so so!” Activists from the Union of Bank Employees of Paraná were also present to take part in the good night message to ex-president Lula.


Bulletin 213 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 9/19/2018 – 7.20 PM


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