Bulletin 196 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 9/2/2018 – 8:15 PM
- On this Sunday, September 2, there was a Lulaço demonstration at the Hippie Market in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. More than a thousand voices joined to sing for Democracy, for Independence and for Freedom for Lula! This afternoon there was another Lulaço demonstration in the São Bernardo Plaza shopping mall in the ABC region of greater São Paulo. Earlier, the trumpet player Fabiano Leitão played “Olé, Olé Olé Olá, Lula la” in front of the metallurgical workers union and the building where the President used to live. Watch the Lula demonstration in Belo Horizonte here: https://lula.com.br/brasil-urgente-lula-presidente-lulaco-reune-pequena-multidao-em-bh/ and the São Bernardo demonstration here: https://lula.com.br/lulaco-em-sao-bernardo-do-campo-sp/
- The demonstrations in defense of Lula abroad continue moving forwards at full speed. The latest was a group of Lula supporters who held a Lulaço demonstration on Times Square in New York, in the United States, with the chant of ““Olé, Olé Olé Olá, Lula la”. Watch the Times Square protest here: https://lula.com.br/lulaco-na-time-square-em-nova-york/
- The big press agencies in Germany covered the story of the disqualification of Lula’s candidacy. The newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung highlighted the frustrated intentions of nearly 40% of the population who want to vote for Lula and said that the prison in Curitiba, a “provincial city” has received more visits by ex-Chiefs of State and other important foreigners than the Presidential Palace. Read more here: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/wahl-in-brasilien-lula-da-silva-darf-nicht-zur-wahl-antreten-1.4113181
- In a letter, the Government of Cuba expressed solidarity and positioned itself in favor of ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, after the results of the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) ruling against Lula’s candidacy. “The Cuban Republic’s Foreign Relations Minister denounces the disqualification of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva which bars him as the Workers Party candidate for the Brazilian presidency, with which the Brazilian people are impeded from voting for the most popular candidate for this high position,” said the note from the Cuban Ministry released on this Saturday, September 1.
- Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro also gave his support to ex-President Lula on Twitter. “I raise my voice together with the Brazilian people against the outrage committed on brother Lula. The Continent’s oligarchies are trying to silence the voices of a nation and of all people who have decided to be free. Power to Brazil! We are thousands of Lulas!”, said Maduro. Read more here: https://twitter.com/NicolasMaduro/status/1035967303865839616
- The book, “Comunicação e Política: EBC e o impeachment do governo Dilma” (Communication and Politics: EBC and impeachment of the Dilma government), was launched on the afternoon of Saturday, September 1, at the Lula Livre Vigil, in the presence of Tarcis Prado Jr, one of the authors and organizers and Àlvaro Nunes Larangeira, the editorial coordinator of the book which was also coordinated by Moisés Cardoso and Franco Iocomini Jr. The book is made up of stories that were published on EBC the news organization’s site during the process of removing elected President Dilma Rousseff. Read more here: https://www.facebook.com/jornalistaslivres/posts/876087889181756?__tn__=-R
- Neither the rain nor the cold on this Sunday in Curitiba impeded the activists at the #LulaLivre Vigil from giving their traditional greetings to ex-President Lula. During the “good night” shout, the activists repudiated the TSE’s decision to not respect the UN decision in favor of the candidacy of Lula and reaffirmed that they will continue with the ex-President to the end. Watch the shout here: https://bit.ly/2NHjKGj
Bulletin 196 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 9/2/2018 – 8:15 PM