Bulletin 189 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 189 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba – 8/26/2018 – 8.00 PM

1. This Sunday (the 26th) the #LulaLivre Vigil reached its 142nd day in defense of freedom for former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Thousands of activists have taken part in the Vigil, greeting Lula daily and standing up against his political imprisonment. The members of the resistance promote political and cultural activities, with a focus on rescuing democracy, and defending the rights of the people and of an inclusive, sovereign and national development project.

2. Dona Antonieta, a resident of Palmeira dos Índios (Alagoas state), wrote a letter to Judge Sérgio Moro in which she denounced the arbitrariness and injustice committed against Lula. “Why keep Lula imprisoned unjustly? Where is the evidence incriminating him?”
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3. This weekend “Lulaços” took place all over Brazil. Lulaços are events in prominent public places in defense of the liberation of former president Lula. One of the most symbolic was at the Beiramar shopping mall in Florianópolis. It was there that the former rector of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Luiz Carlos Cancellier, died, having taken his own life in protest against the abuse of authority that public officials emboldened by Operation Car Wash had committed against him. The historical slogans of “Lulismo” also echoed this weekend in São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Vitória and Brasília, among other cities.

4. The closing of the 46th Gramado Film Festival – the most important Brazilian film festival – was marked by an emotional protest by actor Osmar Prado. After receiving the award for best actor for the feature-length film “10 Segundos para Vencer”, he denounced former president Lula’s “imprisonment in the dungeons of Curitiba” because of Judge Moro’s arbitrary sentence.
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5. At the Free Lula Vigil, after the “good morning” yell to former President Lula, oil industry workers organized a round-table discussion about the strategic importance that the pre-salt oil reserves represent for national development. The oil industry workers denounced the government’s policy of auctioning off pre-salt reserves to industry multinationals at derisory prices. After the “good afternoon” yell to former President Lula, a discussion took place with the musicians Vando and Vanderlei de Colombo and Suzi Montserrat.

Bulletin 189 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba – 8/26/2018 – 8.00 PM

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