Bulletin 188 – Popular Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 188 – Popular Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 8/25/2018 – 7.50 PM


  1. This Saturday (the 25th), in a highly emotional act of solidarity, the group of seven popular activists who had started a hunger strike 26 days ago in defense of democracy and justice and for freedom for former President Lula announced the end of the strike, which has had an extensive impact in Brazilian society and the international media. The hunger strikers were Jaime Amorim, Brother Sérgio Görgen, Zonália Santos, Rafaela Alves, Luiz Gonzaga Silva (known as “Gegê”), Vilmar Pacífico and Leonardo Soares. Read more: https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/08/25/tratados-como-herois-apos-26-dias-de-greve-de-fome-militantes-encerram-jejum-e-seguem-para-outras-batalhas/


  1. This Saturday (the 25th) was the #Lula Livre Vigil’s 141st day of resistance. The chilly weather in no way prevented the activists present from making the traditional “Good morning, President Lula” yell. During the afternoon, the activists gathered at a round-table meeting for the launch of the campaign Direitos Valem Mais (“Rights Matter More”), with Esther Dweck, a professor from the Institute of Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, who spoke about the impact on human rights of the government’s policy of cuts in investment in such social areas as health, education, housing, social welfare, public security and others.


  1. The president of the Workers’ Party (PT), Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (Paraná), made a walk through the streets of Curitiba together with the PT candidate for the local state government, Dr. Rosinha, to highlight the regression that Brazil is undergoing. Unemployment, the return of extreme poverty and increases in the costs of fuels and gas for cooking were some of the subjects discussed with local people. Gleisi and Rosinha also demanded that Lula’s political rights be respected and that the people have the right to vote for him again.


  1. In a letter released this week, Baltasar Garzón – the former Spanish judge who issued a warrant for the arrest of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet – and other internationally renowned jurists demanded that the Brazilian government reaffirm that Brazil is legally bound to comply with the ruling of the UN Human Rights Committee, requiring that Lula’s right to stand as a candidate be safeguarded. Read more: https://lula.com.br/jurista-que-mandou-prender-pinochet-e-outros-11-renomados-juristas-internacionais-defendem-o-direito-de-lula-ser-candidato/


  1. In the early afternoon of Saturday (the 25th), a crowd took over the streets of São Paulo. It was the day of the “Lulaço” in Benedito Calixto Square. The traditional chant “Olê, olê, olê, olá, Lula lá, Lula lá” was sung by hundreds of people moving about the square who were supported as they did so by various artists and musical groups, including TromPetista Vermelho. Read more: http://www.pt.org.br/lulaco-na-benedito-calixto-em-sao-paulo/


Bulletin 188 – Popular Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 8/25/2018 – 7.50 PM


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