Bulletin 171 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 171 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, 8/8/2018 – 7:25 PM

  1. During an interview on Radio Guaíba, in Rio Grande do Sul, Fernando Haddad, Vice Presidential candidate on Lula’s ticket and his spokesman, reaffirmed his candidacy for the Vice Presidency. Haddad said that the ticket is making all efforts possible to guarantee that the election laws are respected, which stipulate that all candidates, even those with legal problems, have the same rights. Therefore, the courts should follow the law and enable Lula to participate in all of the debates. Read more here:


  1. Even though he has been incarcerated as a political prisoner for 124 days, Lula continues leading all of the election polls. A poll conducted by MDA Institute/CNT shows that, in São Paulo, Lula leads with 21.8% of voter intention, seven percentage points ahead of the PSDB candidate, Geraldo Alckmin, whose party has governed the state for over 20 years. Read more here:


  1. Doctors from Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Pernambuco and Ceará began to arrive in the #LulaLivre Vigil on this Wednesday, August 8th. Ten have already arrived and another 30 are scheduled to arrive tomorrow, August 9th. They are part of the Doctors United for Democracy and the National Network of People’s Doctors groups, and have come to support Lula and denounce the dismantlement of the public health system by the illegitimate Michel Temer government.


  1. This morning at the Vigil, there was a conversation circle about Health for the Afro-Brazilian Population, facilitated by the pediatrician and hygiene specialist Dr. Joice Aragão. Dr. Aragão, who is a retired university professor from UFRJ, coordinated the national policy for integral treatment of patients with Sickle Cell Anemia as well as the cooperative initiatives between Brazil and African nations related to treatment for this illness.


  1. The preparations for the great March to Brasilia on August 15th continue, with the goal of registering Lula’s candidacy for presidency of the Republic in the Supreme Electoral Court. Today, representatives of several social movements and political parties met in the PT Congressional leadership office to discuss the group of actions that will make up the big demonstration. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/movimentos-e-partidos-organizam-grande-ato-de-registro-de-lula/


  1. Around 150 union members from 40 countries on five continents participated in an International Demonstration in Defense of Democracy and ex-President Lula yesterday, August 7th, in the CUT Labor Union Federation national headquarters in São Paulo. Antônio Lisboa, the CUT International Relations Secretary, thanked all of the union members from around the world who have joined the Brazilians fight against disrespect for the Constitution, the persecution of ex-President Lula, the attacks on social and labor rights and democracy. Read more here: https://www.cut.org.br/noticias/em-ato-internacional-sindicalistas-do-mundo-pedem-democracia-e-lula-livre-6fbc


  1. The “good afternoon” yell to President Lula on this Wednesday, August 8th, featured participation from the Doctors United for Democracy and the National Network of People’s Doctors groups. During the Democracia em Rede program, CUT/Paraná President Regina Cruz participated in an interview about abortion rights as a public health issue. Activists from the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) spent part of the afternoon in the Vigil embroidering messages for the ex-President.


Bulletin 171 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, 8/8/2018 – 7:25 PM


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