Bulletin 166 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 166 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 8/3/2018 – 6:40 PM

1. On this Friday, August 3, the Workers’ Party presented its governance program for the next Lula presidency (2019-2022), with the challenge of returning to and deepening Brazilian democracy. Divided in 5 main sections, the document covers crucial themes for overcoming the nation’s problems. The PT says that the measures implemented by the illegitimate Temer government need to be revoked, especially the freeze on public spending, labor reform, generalized outsourcing, privatization policies, denationalization and the dismantling of the pre-salt reserves, among other things. The plan recuperates the achievements of the PT governments and presents a new agenda for Brasil. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/plano-lula-de-governo-2018-e-apresentado-ao-pais/

2. On this Friday, August 3rd, Pope Francis received a delegation of Brazilians who denounced human rights violations that are happening in the country such as the political imprisonment of ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The Pope expressed his worries, once again, with the political scenario in Brazil and in Latin America in general. Among those present was  Marinete Silva, the mother of City Councilwoman Marielle Franco who was assassinated in March in Rio de Janeiro in a crime that still has not been solved. The visit occurred one day after ex-Minister Celso Amorim met with the Pope, who received a book about Lula and hand-wrote a message for the ex-President. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/papa-recebe-defensores-de-lula-livre-e-mae-de-marielle-franco/

3. On the 119th day of resistance in Curitiba, the “good afternoon” yell to the ex-President at the #LulaLivre Vigil was led by Gabriela Branco, Educational Policy Director of the Parana State Students Union. During the afternoon a discussion circle was led by Fernando Gaiger, planning and research specialist from the Institute of Research and Applied Statistics (IPEA), on the subject taxation and social inequality.

4. The Vigil activist said goodby to the Semiarid Caravan Against Hunger today. The group of 110 activists from Northeastern Brazil and Minas Gerais arrived last Wednesday to support the resistance against the arbitrary imprisonment of Lula and in defense of Democracy. They left for Brasilia, where they will participated in demonstrations calling for freedom for Lula.

5. Ex-President Lula delivered a letter to the Semiarid Caravan Against Hunger. It was read by the national President of PT, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (Paraná) on Thursday, August 2nd at the Vigil. In the text, Lula criticizes illegitimate president Michel Temer and says that the 2016 Coup set Brazil back 20 years in 2, with the return of hunger, extreme poverty, infant mortality and unemployment. Read the entire letter here: https://www.brasildefato.com.br/2018/08/02/quero-que-nossa-proxima-caravana-seja-a-da-esperanca-diz-lula-em-carta-a-caravana/

6. Tonight, August 3rd, the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST) is holding a political demonstration in São Paulo for the start of the National Free Lula March, which will take place between August 10-15 towards Brasilia. The event will include the participation of politicians and start with a greeting by João Pedro Stedile, from the MST directorate. The main purpose of the demonstration is to demand freedom for ex-President Lula and his right to run in the presidential elections. Read more here: http://www.mst.org.br/2018/08/03/mst-lanca-marcha-nacional-lula-livre.html

Bulletin 166 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 8/3/2018 – 6:40 PM



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