Bulletin 162 – People’s Committee in Defence of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 162 – People’s Committee in Defence of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/30/2018 – 19:15


  1. In an article published this Monday, July 30, PT National President, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (Paraná) said that the 15th National PT Meeting will take place on August 4th and there, Lula’s candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic will be confirmed. On August 15th, the candidacy will be registered in the Supreme Electoral Court, in Brasilia, as was decided by the PT in December, 2017. Read more here:  http://www.pt.org.br/gleisi-hoffmann-o-pt-vai-seguir-com-lula-e-com-o-povo/


  1. Today’s “good afternoon” shout to the ex-President  included the participation of democrats from France, Venezuela, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro. “I only want to say one thing: we’re turning this story around. Since we arrived here and started this Vigil, the people are changing their opinions, understanding that this imprisonment is political and unjust. The people will bring Lula back to the presidency,” said João Laguens, who came from Rio de Janeiro to participate in the Vigil.


  1. After visiting ex-President Lula the Buddhist Monk, Coen Roshi, spoke with resistance activists in the #LulaLivre Vigil. “When we are capable of truly loving and of wanting good for all beings, we are liberated. Anger and rancor imprison us. Freedom is not being angry at anyone. We want Lula released, and quickly,” he said. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/monja-coen-relata-que-lula-segue-otimista-com-um-brasil-melhor/


  1. In defense of the release of ex-President Lula, political prisoner for more than 100 days in Curitiba, six social movement activists from all regions in Brazil will start a hunger strike tomorrow, for an undetermined time, in front of the Federal Supreme Court building in Brasilia. Read more here:  https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/07/30/militantes-farao-greve-de-fome-ate-lula-ganhar-liberdade/


  1. Despite being ignored by Rede Globo and the mainstream media, the Lula Livre Festival ended Saturday, July 28th, in first place among the subjects most commented about on Twitter in Brazil and was the subject of reporting by international news agencies in stories that were published around the world. See more here: http://www.pt.org.br/festival-lula-livre-repercute-em-sites-de-todo-o-mundo/



  1. Lula dominated Rio de Janeiro this weekend. In addition to the thousands of people present at the Lula Livre Festival, the ex-President also marked his “presence” at the FLIP Literary Festival in Paraty. During the pre-launching of the book “Lula Livro”, there was a demonstration for his release made by protesters in Lula masks. Read more here:  http://www.pt.org.br/flip-tem-mascaras-de-lula-por-candidatura-do-ex-presidente/


  1. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Prize Laurete from 1980s, participated in the closing ceremonies of the 2nd Latin American Forum, held by the Argentinian social movement La Poderosa, on this Sunday, July 29th, and defended the union of left movements in Latin America in defense of the right for ex-President Lula to run in the elections. Read more here:  http://www.pt.org.br/sem-lula-livre-nao-ha-democracia-diz-perez-esquivel/


  1. The new Lula government will re-establish the Ministry of Science and Technology and increase investments in research and innovation. This was affirmed by Lula’s Government Plan coordinator, Fernando Haddad, who represented the ex-President in the event, “Conhecer-Eleições 2018” today. See more here: http://www.pt.org.br/lula-vai-retomar-ministerio-da-ciencia-e-tecnologia/


Bulletin 162 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/30/2018 – 19:15


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