Bulletin 161 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 161 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/29/2018 – 7:30 PM

1. “Because the people will still celebrate, a lot. It’s the happiness, the freedom and the justice of a people who are not afraid and who will not sell out.” It was with these words that ex-President Lula thanked the artists who transformed the dream of the Free Lula Festival into reality. Over 40 musicians, poets, actors, film makers, artisans and dancers performed for 10 hours to a crowd of over 80,000 people who came out to the Lapa Aqueduct in Rio – and thousands more who watched the event on TV and on the internet this Saturday, July 28th. http://www.pt.org.br/festival-lula-livre-historico/

2. Ex-President Lula sent a thank you letter to the artists and the public at the Free Lula Festival. It was read by the actor Herson Capri on the central stage. “You don’t know how much music, books and art have helped me through this provocation, which is not as bad as so many fathers and mothers, heads of families, Brazilians who don’t know how they are going to bring food home. It is in their names that we can never lose hope,” said Lula. Read the whole letter here:  https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/07/29/lula-envia-carta-aos-artistas-e-ao-publico-do-festival-lula-livre/

3. The Free Lula movement continues strong in Rio de Janeiro. The yells for Lula today took place in the São Cristovão Market. The “Olê, Olê, Olê, Olá, Lula, Lula” chant was let by the PT Trumpeter and the whole crowd sang along. See video clips here: https://www.facebook.com/Lula/videos/1823696241032701/ and https://www.facebook.com/MidiaNINJA/videos/1227673284057481/

4. On this Sunday in New York, the Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee held an occupation and demonstration during the opening of the Brazilian Summer Music festival in New York (www.brasilsummerfest.com), to raise the consciousness of the American and International public about the fight for freedom for ex-President Lula. See more here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/221156745403793/

5. In an exclusive article published in three Northeastern newspapers today, July 29th, – Jornal do Commercio (Pernambuco), A Tarde (Bahia) and O Povo (Ceara), ex-President Lula spoke of the importance of stimulating the economy for the Nation to rebuild its capacity for investment and start a new growth cycle. “Money in the hands of the rich sits still in the banks. Money in the hands of the poor moves the economy,” he said. See the full article here:  http://www.pt.org.br/lula-dinheiro-na-mao-de-pobre-movimenta-a-economia/

Bulletin 161 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/29/2018 – 7:30 PM

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