Bulletin 158 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 158 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/26/2018 – 8:15 PM

1. Three months from the elections, Lula is widely leading in the polls and would be elected in the first round, with 41% of the votes, according to a new poll by CUT/Vox Populi that was conducted from July 18-20 and released on this Thursday, July 26th. In the simulations for the second round, Lula would also beat any challenger with at least 50% of the votes, more than triple the support level of any of the other candidates. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/cut-vox-com-41-das-intencoes-de-voto-lula-segue-imbativel/

2. In the stimulated poll, in which the names of the candidates are presented to the interviewees, voter intention for Lula rose to 41%, from the 39% that was registered in May. The total of all other challengers put together is only 29%, according to the CUT/Vox Populi poll. In the spontaneous poll, in which candidates names are not mentioned, Lula’s popularity also grew and he remains well ahead of all the other challengers. The ex-President’s popularity rose from 34-37%, while the second most popular candidate remains with 10% of voter intention.

3. The CUT/Vox Populi poll, released today, July 26th, encouraged Lula and gave him more energy to continue facing the adversary of incarceration. This is what Senator and PT President Gleisi Hoffman said after visiting the ex-President today. “He told me that what helps him resist is this hope of the Brazilian people to see him as President of the Republic again,” she said. Read more here:http://www.pt.org.br/resultados-da-pesquisa-vox-populi-empolgaram-lula-diz-gleisi/

4. Roberto Gaulteiri, from the European Union’s Parliament, visited Lula on this Thursday, July 26th. After the meeting, the parliamentarian harshly criticized Sergio Moro’s judgement related to the apartment issue. “I was shocked with the absence of any proof of guilt,” he said. Gaultieri said that it was “very worrying for Brazilian democracy and for Brazil’s image in the world if Lula is not allowed to run because of this sentence”. Read more here: https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/07/26/eurodeputado-roberto-gualtieri-critica-prisao-arbitraria-de-lula/

6. A group of 29 American lawmakers, including Senator Bernie Sanders who was candidate for the presidency of the United States in 2016, delivered a letter to the Brazilian government today, July 26th, denouncing Lula’s political imprisonment based on “unproven accusations”, in a judgment that was “highly questionable and politicized.” In the letter, Lula is referred to as the leading presidential candidate for the October elections. Read more here:https://lula.com.br/exclusivo-leia-a-carta-de-bernie-sanders-e-mais-28-parlamentares-dos-eua-que-querem-lula-livre/

7. The presence of women remained strong in the #LulaLivre Vigil today, with the arrival of a group of activists from the São Paulo chapter of the CUT labor union federation. The “good afternoon” shout to the ex-President was led by National Garment Workers Confederation President Cida Trajano, who also called for unity in the struggle for freedom for Lula. Afterwords, a discussion circle was held on the subject of class, gender and race, facilitated by Júlia Nogueira, CUT’s National Secretary for the Combat of Racism.

Bulletin 158 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/26/2018 – 8:15 PM

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