Bulletin 157 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 157 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/25/2018 – 8PM

1. The Coordinator of Lula’s Plan for Government, Fernando Haddad, visited the ex-President this Wednesday afternoon, July 25th, so that they could talk about Lula’s Government Platform and the registration of his candidacy, which will take place during a big demonstration in Brasilia. “We are doing everything that we can so that, on August 15th, we will be able to register his candidacy with a solid legal argument based on jurisprudence,” Haddad said. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/haddad-se-encontra-com-lula-para-debater-programa-de-governo/


2. Haddad said that Lula is excited about the PT’s governmental program. “He is very enthusiastic with the program, which has new ideas, advances and many distinctions from what the other candidates are promising,” he said. Lula and Haddad will meet again tomorrow, on Thursday, July 26th.


3. The support of European parliamentarians for Lula gained an important reinforcement today, July 25th, with the visit by French Communist Party Senator Laurence Cohen to the #LulaLivre Vigil. Barred from visiting Lula, the Senator from the province of Val Marne, joined the resistance activists who have been camped out for 110 days and participated in a conversation circle about the consequences of the coup on the lives of women. “It is extremely scandalous that a French Parliamentarian could come to Brazil and not be able to visit Lula,” he said. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/senadora-francesa-visita-vigilia-mas-e-impedida-de-ver-lula/


4. A group of Afro-Brazilian woman led a debate in the Lula Livre Vigil today, July 25th, entitled, “International Day of Latin American and Caribbean Black Women”. The activist Juliana Mittelbach, from the Rede de Mulheres Negras and the World Woman’s March, led the conversation about the history of the anti-racist struggle. Adriana Oliveira, from the MST state leadership of Paraná, and Ana Marta Lima, from the São Paulo Bank Tellers Union, also participated in the debate. Read more here:http://www.pt.org.br/mulheres-negras-protagonizam-debate-de-genero-na-vigilia-lula-livre/


5. Today’s “good afternoon” yell to the ex-President, had a feminine touch. PT activist Gabriela Martins coordinated a conversation circle in the Vigil about the problem of representation in Congress. “Black women make up 27% of the Brazilian population and only 2% of Federal Congress. We have a huge discrepancy here,” she said.


6. In a message to family farmers, ex-President Lula paid homage to the workers responsible for producing over 2/3 of the food consumed by the Brazilian people. “The only way that we can maintain families working in the rural zones is through cheap credit, technology, energy, health and education in the countryside,” said Lula. Today, July 25th, is also the International Day of Family Agriculture. See his message in its entirety here: http://www.pt.org.br/lula-manda-recado-pelo-dia-do-trabalhador-rural/

Bulletin 157 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy


Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/25/2018 – 

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