Bulletin 12 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba,Parana, Brazil – 4/11/2018 – 10 AM

1. This morning Guilerme Boulos joined the now traditional good morning shout for President Lula. He arrived at the camp at 9 AM and participated in the morning assembly for Democratic Vigilance #LulaLivre in Curitiba.

2. The day began with an animated drum circle with the participation of Guilherme Boulos. The pre-candidate for President for the PSOL party, who will travel to Portugal later today, defends the idea for the independent media outlets and the activists to spread the news of Lula’s political imprisonment internationally. Boulos says that during the next few days there will be an escalation of protests until Lula is freed. “The protests are going to grow because the meaning of what is happening is setting in. The indignation is transforming into protests,” he said.

3. During the day today there will be activities to support the people who are arriving and those who have already been at the vigil for days. After the assembly, a yoga instructor will hold an event to treat the legs and arms of the people who are standing and fighting in the name of Lula. At 10:30 the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) will hold a theater piece to denounce the dismantling of the Brazilian justice system. Carnaval groups from Curitiba will take to the streets of the camp at 4 PM. At 5, there will be another meeting of the Black Movement, which will be followed by an ecumenical mass at 6 PM. There will be another protest at the end of the day with political leaders, members of Congress and party leaders together with the social movements.

4. On Tuesday night the TV host Bela Gil, daughter of Lula’s former Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil, visited the vigil and brought an organic food basket, produced in an MST agrarian reform settlement, to a local resident who has housed activists and defends ex-President Lula near the camp in Curitiba.

5. The Military Police have been waiting for the end of the daily activities at the camp, after the lights are turned off and the activists go to sleep to gather intimidating photos and videos. Last night police took photos and filmed people at the camp, including journalists who are working there.

6. Last night the National Congress held its first sessions since Lula was transformed into the first political prisoner in Brazil since the ratification of the 1988 Constitution. The PT congressmen and congresswomen, along with other members of leftist political parties, held a large protest inside of the Congress building**. In the Senate, the Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship, led by Senator Paulo Paim (PT-Rio Grande do Sul), held a public hearing, followed by a vigil on the theme of Democracy and Human Rights in Homage to Lula.

* Footage of Bela Gil’s visit: https://www.facebook.com/pt.brasil/videos/1709645429121825/
** Footage of the protest: https://www.facebook.com/ptnacamara/videos/1404123996354866/
* Photos of the public hearing: https://www.facebook.com/PTnoSenado/posts/1650376421707187

Bulletin 12 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba – 4/11/2018 – 10 AM

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