Bulletin 102- Lula: fuel pricing policy practiced by Temer and Parente is a disaster for Brazil

Bulletin 102 – People’s Committee in Defence of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/21/2018 – 10 PM

1. The elected President Dilma Rousseff visited ex-President Lula today in the Federal Police headquarters in Curitiba, and the chaos that has taken hold of Nation because of the mismanagement of Petrobras was one of the topics of their conversation. Afterwords, she said to the journalists that Lula is very worried about the “size of the disaster in the fuel pricing policy practiced by Petrobras during the Temer government.” For Dilma, the simple defense of the free market does not justify sheep-like acceptance of the international barrel price to determine national pricing. This is because the world petroleum price is determined by external political conjunctures, tensions in conflict zones and economic blockades and not necessarily by the demands of the so called free market. See interview with Dilma Rousseff for more on this:  http://www.pt.org.br/entrevista-com-a-presidenta-eleita-dilma-rousseff/

2. The North American actor and UN Good Will Ambassador Danny Glover visited the political prisoner and ex-President Lula in his cell today. After leaving the Federal Police headquarters building Glover said, “in the name of millions of people around the world who defend freedom for Lula, I leave here encouraged by his confidence, hope and consciousness and I know that we will win.” Read more details here:  http://www.pt.org.br/entrevista-com-o-ator-norte-americano-danny-glover/

3. The #LulaLivre Democratic Vigil was packed with people during the whole day today. US Black Movement activist James Early gave a speech about the the challenges for the struggle for racial equality in the context of all of the advances and setbacks occurring around the world. He said that African-ness is in the soul of many Brazilians and other people in the Americas, not only in those who carry it in the melanin of their skin, but in all of the culture and values brought by those who came from the African continent. See video of the speech here: http://www.pt.org.br/assista-roda-de-conversa-com-o-ativista-james-early/

4. Starting tomorrow on June 1, Curitiba will receive the PT National Youth Congress, with participation from PT National President, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (Paraná) and other party leaders. Today the PT Paraná State Youth Congress took place. A new generation of PT supporters from around Brazil plans to visit the #LulaLivre Vigil tomorrow, to participate in the traditional “Good Night” yell to ex-President Lula.

Bulletin 102 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/21/2018 – 10 PM

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