All posts by Assessoria

By | 01/06/2018

Bulletin 103 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 103 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 6/1/2018 – 8:30 PM 1. Former Health Minister Alexandre Padilha led the “Good Morning President Lula” yell at the #LulaLivre Vigil this morning. Afterwords,...

By | 31/05/2018

Bulletin 102- Lula: fuel pricing policy practiced by Temer and Parente is a disaster for Brazil

Bulletin 102 – People’s Committee in Defence of Lula and Democracy Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/21/2018 – 10 PM 1. The elected President Dilma Rousseff visited ex-President Lula today in the Federal Police headquarters in Curitiba, and the chaos that...

By | 31/05/2018

PT Congressional Bloc Repudiates Budget Cuts and Demands Immediate Resignation of Pedro Parente

In an official note released on Thursday (May 31), the PT Congressional Bloc “repudiates Michel Temer’s coup government’s proposed anti-national, anti-people and pro-market budgetary cuts and denounces them to Brazilian society.” The letter, signed by leader Paulo Pimenta (PT-Rio...