Bulletin 192 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 192 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 8/29/2018 – 7:07 PM


  1. The Brazilian National Human Rights Committee (CNDH) released a note today, August 29, that recognizes the legitimacy of the UN Human Rights Committee resolution on the right of ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to participate in the elections as a candidate for the presidency. The CNDH is made up of representatives of different governmental agencies such as the Federal Public Prosecutors Office, the Justice Ministry and the Federal Police. Read the declaration here: http://www.pt.org.br/cndh-divulga-nota-e-reconhece-legitimidade-de-decisao-da-onu/


  1. In a message to the Brazilian people published on his social media sites, Lula criticized the current government’s policy of public investment cuts and reaffirmed that there is only one way for Brazil to get out of the crisis: returning to insert the people into the economy with jobs, financing and credit. Only with money circulating in the hands of the people will the economy start growing again, said Lula. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/assista-ao-recado-de-lula-para-o-povo-brasileiro/


  1. In a letter sent to Guaíba Radio Station in Porto Alegre, Lula reiterated that he is a political prisoner, condemned by Judge Sergio Moro without any proof, and said that the he is being persecuted to remove him from the presidential elections. He criticized the current federal government for dismantling Brazil and selling it off for the “price of bananas”, dismantling strategic sectors of the economy such as the ship building industry, which employed 24,000 people in Rio Grande de Sul state alone. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/leia-a-carta-de-lula-para-a-radio-guaiba/


  1. This morning, the National Educational Workers Confederation (CNTE) National Collective for Fighting Racism led the greeting to the ex-President on this, 145th day of democratic resistance in the #LulaLivre Vigil. The “good afternoon” shout to Lula included participation of Professor Luizinho, one of PT’s founders and a former Congressman for the party. He said that the Brazilian people have already unmasked Operation Car Wash and the political persecution of Lula, expressing itself in the voter polls, some of which show that the ex-President will win in the first round.


  1. This afternoon’s conversation circle at the Lula Livre Vigil commemorated the National Day of Lesbian Visibility, as a way of recognizing these women as part of the history of the struggle for freedom to love, live and be the way that they wish. The conversation was coordinated by Regina Cruz, President of CUT-PR, and Clau Lopes, executive secretary of Mulher Trabalhadora and the GLTBI rights department of the Paraná State Teachers Union (APP).


Bulletin 192 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 8/29/2018 – 7:07 PM



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