Bulletin 134- Lula: ‘Brazil played its best game so far against Mexico’

Bulletin 134 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/2/2018 – 9:30 PM

1. Brazil’s World Cup victory over Mexico (2×0) in a first round game of the knockout stage, animated the spirits of ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who loves football. “Brazil played its best game so far against Mexico. If it continues playing with collective spirit and solidarity football with  each player doing the best that he can, we have a good chance of making it to the finals,” he wrote on his social media sites. Lula has a feeling that Brazil will beat Belgium this Friday by 3 – 1. But he warns, “they need a lot of concentration and a lot of will to win,” since Belgium became “more concentrated and more dangerous” in its game against Japan. As a Corinthians fan, he praised the hiring of coach Tite, “who reinforced the seleção with 5 former or current players from Corinthians”. Read his full comments here:  https://lula.com.br/lula-nas-oitavas-melhor-partida-do-brasil

2. President Lula will continue publishing his comments about the World Cup on his web page. In order to respect electoral regulations, which prohibit the participation of candidates on radio or TV shows as of June 30th, Lula’s comments will no longer be announced on the TVT network’s Papo com Zé Trajano program. Before this date, Lula’s commentaries were put on the screen in quotation marks and read by an announcer.

3. The “good morning” yell to ex-President Lula on this, his 86th day of political imprisonment, was lead by Robson Padilha, PT President from the town of General Carneiro, Paraná, from where a bus caravan arrived today to reinforce the #LulaLivre Democratic Vigil. Robson watched the seleção’s game wrapped in a flag of diversity and commemorated Brazil’s victory with the activists with yells of ‘Free Lula’ that were led by Elias Gonçalves, whose nickname in the Vigil is “the Prophet”.

4. On Mondays ex-President Lula receives visits from religious leaders and today he was visited by the Afro-Brazilian religious leader Caetano de Paula Junior, who gave him an image of Xango, the entity which represents justice in the Brazilian African matrix religions. Pai Caetano says that Lula continues to believe in the victory of love and justice over hate and prejudice. “It’s been nearly 90 days since Lula has lived in a type of solitary confinement, following a judgment in which any observer can see that there were flaws. Even so, he hasn’t let the anger and hatred contaminate his heart,” he said. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/imagem-que-trago-e-de-alguem-que-vai-resistir-diz-pai-de-santo-sobre-lula/

5. Brasilia will be the stage of one more historic event for millions of Brazilians on August 15, the day in which Lula’s candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic for the PT will be officialized in the Electoral Court. Social movements, leftist political parties and labor union federations are preparing a march which will leave the city of Luziana three days before finishing with a large protest at the federal capital. The expectation is that thousands of people will participate in the 60 km march between the two cities. Read more:  http://www.pt.org.br/milhares-estarao-presentes-em-ato-de-registro-da-candidatura-de-lula/

6. A family from Fortaleza visited the #LulaLivre Vigil this afternoon. Rafael and Cyntia Cardoso came with their children Heitor and Marcela. There are taking a vacation in the Brazilian South and did not want to miss the opportunity to be close to Lula. Cyntia said that, because of her father who was a card carrying member of the PT for his entire life, she first voted for Lula in 1989 when she was 16.

Bulletin 134 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 7/2/2018 – 9:30 PM

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