Bulletin 129- Lula after Brazil 2X0 Serbia: ‘now is the moment to put our hearts on the point of the cleats’

Bulletin 129 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 6/27/2018 – 10:10 PM

1. Ex-President Lula, one of the Brazilians who is most passionate about football, continues with his collaboration with the “Papo com Zé Trajano” program, on the TVT television network. Today he spoke about Brazil’s victory over Serbia. For Lula, “every game is a game and every Cup is a Cup,” and now, “the moment has come to put our hearts on the point of the cleats.” See his entire commentary here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg7zz_RGaf8

2. With Brazil’s 2-0 victory over Serbia, today was a festive day in the Lula Livre Vigil. The activists packed the tent where the TV was set up to show the game and they celebrated the victory, without forgetting the injustice against ex-President Lula, who has been held as a political prisoner for 81 days. Many of the activists, like Pedro Catarino, said that there was no contradiction between a political dispute and cheering for the seleção, saying that it is time to celebrate the World Cup in Russia.

3. Regina Cruz, President of the Parana State CUT labor union federation chapter, organized the the fans at the Vigil so that photos could be taken after the victory of the Seleção. “This is the Seleção of Lula and the Brazilian people”, she said. See the photos here: http://pt.org.br/vigilia-lula-vibra-com-vitoria-da-selecao-brasileira/

4. This morning, despite the rain, scores of people united on the Olga Benário square to yell good morning to ex-President Lula. Later, they participated in the “good afternoon!” and “good evening!” yells to Lula. This afternoon, the musical duo Natal and Neri performed a set of traditional Brazilian country music. They are part of the Family Agriculture Workers (FETRAF/Sul) caravan. Afterwords, Sister Cleide said goodbye to her comrades at the Vigil. A catholic nun and lawyer, she spent two weeks in the Vigil in Curitiba. “When we spend time here, we return home differently, with more enthusiasm and more energy,” she said.

5. After the “good night” yell to ex-President Lula, the Democracia em Rede program held a debate on the effects of freezing federal spending for public services. Hosted by Márcio Kielling, the program was produced by the Democracy House, a collective of media activists who are part of the Curitiba resistance movement.

Bulletin 129 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 6/27/2018 – 10:10 PM

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