Bulletin 100 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/29/2018 – 9:30 PM
1. More than 300 intellectuals from around the world signed a manifesto demanding freedom for ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Among the signers are Angela Davis, Boaventura de Souza, Leonardo Padura, Slavoj Zizek and Thomas Piketty. In the manifesto, the intellectuals affirm that Lula is a political prisoner and ask for the international community to treat him as such. They label the ruling on the beach front apartment “Kafkaesque” and criticize the conduct of Judge Sergio Moro, who “chose the defendant and, acting as investigator, prosecutor and judge, condemned him for “corrupt actions of an undetermined nature”. Read more here: http://lula.com.br/piketty-angela-davis-e-mais-300-intelectuais-pedim-liberdade-de-lula
2. After being barred by a judge last month, the Congressional External Commission that was formed to inspect the conditions of Lula’s political imprisonment was finally able to visit the ex-President in Curitiba today, after a decision by the Federal Supreme Court. Lula said that he is very worried about the fuel, food and medicine shortage which is affecting some parts of the country. He said that he is more worried about what is happening outside of his political incarceration than with himself. The Commission is made up of Congressmen from PT, PC do B, PSB, and Avante.
3. Commission coordinator Congressman Paulo Pimenta (PT) reiterated that Lula remains confident that his imprisonment will be reversed as soon as the arbitrary judgment which condemned him is analyzed by higher courts. Congresswomen Benedita da Silva (PT – Rio de Janeiro), Jandira Feghali (PC do B – Rio de Janeiro) and Congressmen José Mentor (PT-São Paulo), Odorico Monteiro (PSB – Ceará), Orlando Silva (PC do B – São Paulo), Silvio Costa (Avante – Pernambuco) and Weverton Rocha (PDT – Maranhão) are also members of the Commission.
4. The #LulaLivre Vigil, located near the Paraná Federal Police headquarters building, will continue in operations until Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is liberated from his political imprisonment in Curitiba. On May 28th, a lower court Judge issued a decision invalidating the public agreement made by all involved parties that the Vigil can continue democratically for as long is needed in the location. However, Paraná State PT President Dr. Rosinha said that he will appeal the decision to the Paraná Federal Justice Court so that the agreements made and the national laws remain valid at the site.
Bulletin 100 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/29/2018 – 9:30 PM

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