Bulletin 31 – People’s Committee for the Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba,Paraná, Brazil- 4/17/2018 – 10PM


  1. Attack against the Camp: During the early evening of Tuesday, April 17, while the camp near the Federal Police building was being taken down, fascist groups attacked activists with steel bars while they were packing their things to move to the new camp location. The Parana State President of PT, Dr. Rosinha, demanded that the local authorities respect their part of the agreement for the relocation of the camp, which includes guaranteeing the safety of the people.


  1. On Tuesday, April 17, Congress created an external commission to conduct an auditing visit to Federal Police headquarters in Curitiba, where ex-President Lula is being maintained as a political prisoner. The commission was coordinated by the congressional leader of the PT, Paulo Pimenta, and the members include congressmen André Figueiredo (PDT-Ceará), Bebeto (PSB-Bahia), Ivan Valente (PSOL-São Paulo), Jandira Feghali (PC do B-Rio de Janeiro), José Guimaraes (PT-Ceará), Paulo Texeira (PT-São Paulo), Orlando Silva (PC do B-São Paulo) Wadih Damous (PT-Rio de Janeiro) and Weverton Rocha (PDT-Maranhão). The visit is scheduled to occur this Thursday, April 19.


  1. 1980 Nobel Prize winner, Argentinian activist Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, will be in Curitiba tomorrow morning on Wednesday, April 18, and will conduct an inspection visit to President Lula. Esquivel is president of Servicio Paz y Justiça en América Latina, an organization that acts internationally to protect and promote human rights. The Argentinian, who will be accompanied by a lawyer, a doctor and a photographer, justifies his visit based on the “Rules of Mandela”, the nickname of a UN treaty on the treatment of prisoners, that was signed by the Brazilian government. In addition to his visit, Esquivel will hold a press conference at 10 AM at the Democratic Vigil #LulaLivre camp, near the Federal Police headquarters building in Curitiba.


Bulletin 31 – People’s Committee for the Defense of Lula and Democracy


Curitiba, 4/17/2018 – 10PM

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