Bulletin 609 – People’s Committed in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba 10/22/2019 – 563 days of resistance – 8:40 PM
1. In a letter addressed to the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, judges from Italy and Spain said that only the release of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will cause credibility to return to the Brazilian justice system. “As has already been said by many of our colleagues from Brazil and other countries around the World, the revelations by Glenn Greenwald and his team at the Intercept, in partnership with the newspapers Folha de São Paulo and El Pais, Veja magazine and other media outlets, reinforces the politicized nature of the accusations against Lula,” says one passage from the document. Read the whole letter here:  https://pt.org.br/ex-presidentes-de-cortes-europeias-defendem-anulacao-de-processos-contra-lula/
2. The impending arrival of Lula’s birthday (Sunday, October 27th) only increases activists’ expectations to show solidarity with the former President, whether in Curitiba or in any part of Brazil. There is a big demonstration scheduled at the Lula Livre Vigil on this Sunday, which is expected to draw bus caravans from across the nation. Learn more about the activities scheduled for Sunday, confirm your presence in the event and receive news about the birthday party for the greatest Brazilian popular leader by clicking on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/events/716038752236051/
3. While traveling through Brazil for a series of speeches and events, the US philosopher and activist Angela Davis joined the chorus of people yelling “Lula Livre” which is echoing through every place she visits. On Monday night, the former Black Panther said, to a crowd of 15,000 in São Paulo, that “fighting for freedom for the former President is our duty,” as well as “fighting for racial justice for members of the LGBTQ community and for those with no land or homes.” Watch video here:  https://bit.ly/2W7gl8B
Bulletin 609 – People’s Committed in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba 10/22/2019 – 563 days of resistance – 8:40 PM

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