Bulletin 426 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Straight from Curitiba – 4/21/2019 – 380 days of resistance – 6:20 PM
1. Evangelical Christian Pastor Ariovaldo Ramos, leader of the Cristã Renovada Community and one of the founders of the Evangelical Front for the Rule of Law, wrote to former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. In the letter, sent one day before Easter, he wrote, “Dear President, we see you as an agent of resurrection in our history. May Christ continue to give you strength and faith.” Read the letter here: https://tinyur.com/y6zvybom
2. Mariana Jacques, actress, director and theater professional, also wrote to Lula, who has been held as a political prisoner for over a year now. “Lula, you are giant. What pride to live in the era in which you were president, the people were so happy that they forgot their history.” Read more here: https://cartasprolula.com.br/carta/mariana-jacques/
3. On Saturday, April 20th, the Russian feminist punk bank Pussy Riot gave a show in Brazil. During the show, the crowd yelled, “free Lula” and the vocalist returned the shout with, “Out with Bolsonaro!”. See video footage here:  https://tinyurl.com/y2m3hpyb
4. “Free Lula is renovation! Free Lula is rebirth! Free Lula is dignity!” These were some of the phrases shouted by the activists on this Easter Sunday morning (April 21st), as they wished a good morning to ex-President Lula. Coming from diverse parts of the country, they are part of the people who haven’t abandoned the President who removed Brazil from the Hunger Map and guaranteed historic victories in the economic and social fields during his two mandates. Watch video footage here: https://tinyurl.com/y2l9y8w8
5. On this Sunday, April 21st, the day of the São Paulo state football championship finals, Corinthians fans and pedestrians promoted a “Lulaço” protest in Itaquera Shopping Mall in São Paulo. Watch here:  https://tinyurl.com/yykwhotm
Bulletin 426 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 4/21/2019 – 380 days of resistance – 6:20 PM

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