Bulletin 227 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 227 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 10/3/2018 – 7:30 PM

1. Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sent a message to party activists today about the electoral process underway: nobody should let themselves be intimidated by the electoral polls. The message was given by his lawyer, Congressman Wadih Damous (PT-Rio de Janeiro) who spoke with the activists from the Lula Livre Vigil after visiting the ex-President. According to him, Lula said that PT has always been a party of comebacks and now is the time to fight for the candidacy of Fernando Haddad, to win the election and make the Brazilian people happy again. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/lula-caminho-para-vencer-e-mostrar-legado-e-levar-povo-as-ruas/

2. Congressmen Paulo Pimenta (Rio Grande do Sul) PT House Leader , Paulo Teixeira (PT-São Paulo) and Wadih Damous (PT-Rio de Janeiro) filed two motions in the Superior Justice Court and in the Federal Supreme Court in defense of ex-President Lula, asking for his immediate release until his case is ruled on through all the remaining appeals processes, and that he is guaranteed the right to give interviews to the press. For them, Lula has been victim of a “veritable kidnapping”. Read more here: https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/10/03/deputados-do-pt-pedem-ao-stj-e-ao-stf-libertacao-de-lula-e-garantia-de-seu-direito-de-dar-entrevistas/

3. The British Labor Party, the largest left party of Great Britain, with 118 years of tradition, has just named Lula as honorary president of its youth division, Young Labor. The symbolic gesture is a recognition of the importance of Lula for the workers of the world and a protest against the political and mediatic ruling that blocked him from running for President of the Republic in the October 7th elections. In a note, Young Labor compared Lula to Mandela, denounced his political imprisonment and called for an international movement for his release. Read more here:

4. This afternoon in the Lula Livre Vigil, professor Irineu Colombo facilitated a conversation circle about high school eduction. Colombo, who used to be a State and Federal Congressman for PT, highlighted the importance of the creation of the PRUNI scholarship program during the Lula government, when the current candidate for the presidency, Fernando Haddad, was Education Minister.

5. The good afternoon shout to the ex-President was led by Raul de Paris, an activist from the Movement of People Displaced by Dams (MAB). He made the point of highlighting the power of the activists who perform different duties every day in the Vigil to denounce Lula’s arbitrary condemnation and the constant attacks against Brazilian Democracy to the world.

Bulletin 227 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Straight from Curitiba – 10/3/2018 – 7:30 PM

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