Bulletin 226 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 226 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 10/2/2018 – 7:55 PM

1. Federal Supreme Court Minister Ricardo Lewandowski authorized, on Monday, October 1, an interview with the Rio Grande de Sul news site Sul 21. In his decision, the magistrate says that the blocking the interview constitutes a crime of disobedience. Lewandowski authorized an interview for Lula with the journalist Monica Bergamo, from Folha de São Paulo newspaper on Friday, September, but Supreme Court President, Dias Toffoli, barred it. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/lewandowski-autoriza-mais-uma-entrevista-de-lula-em-nova-decisao/

2. The lawyer Marilda de Paula Silveira, author of the request by the Partido Novo to censor the interviews of the ex-President by Monica Bergamo (Folha de São Paulo) and Florestan Fernandes Jr. (Rede Minas/El País) and a partner in the law firm of Flávio Henrique Unes Pereira, aid to PSDB Senator Antonio Anastasia (Minas Gerais). She also used to teach in the university that is partially owned by Supreme Court Minister Gilmar Mendes. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/advogada-que-pediu-censura-a-lula-e-ligada-a-anastasia/

3. Next Wednesday, October 10, in Belgium, there will be an event entitled the “International Seminar on Democracy and the Electoral Conjuncture in Brazil: the Lula Case,” in the National Development Cooperation Council headquarters in Brussels. The legal scholars Carol Proner, Angelita Rosa and Gabriela Araujó will speak at the event. The event has been coordinated by the Brazilian Association of Legal Scholars for Democracy (ABJD), the Herrera Flores Institute and the Declatra Institute and will be part of the European Union Cities and Regions Week, which brings together representatives from over 60 countries. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/seminario-sobre-caso-lula-acontece-em-bruxelas-no-dia-10/

4. Lula’s political imprisonment has turned Curitiba into a place of great resistance and motivated old friends of the former President to restart the political fight. This is the case of Manoel da Conceição, 73, who spent a week at the Lula Livre Vigil in front of the Federal Police headquarters. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/prisao-de-lula-mobiliza-antigos-companheiros-a-retomarem-a-luta/
5. The good afternoon shout to the ex-President on the 179th day of democratic resistance in the Lula Livre Vigil was lead by MST activist Adriana Prestes Gomes, from Paraná. “With all of the difficulties, we are always united, gaining strength from each other,” she said. During a rainy afternoon in Curitiba, the activists united for a round of singing and guitar playing, led by Susi Monte Serrat.

Bulletin 226 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 10/2/2018 – 7:55 PM

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