Bulletin 88 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/21/2018 – 10 PM


  1. Congressman Wadih Damous (PT-Rio de Janeiro) visited ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva today in the role of his lawyer. After leaving the Federal Police headquarters where Lula is being held as a political prisoner, he spoke to the activists in the #LulaLivre Vigil and passed on a message from the ex-President to all of the Brazilian people. Lula asks for all of the activists and everyone who supports him to be the next President of the Republic to mobilize in every city in the country on May 27th, when his pre-candidacy is announced, for the job in which he leads everyone in all of the polls. Read more here.


  1. Father Julio Lancelotti, known for his historic work together with the social movements in São Paulo, visited ex-President Lula this afternoon. He said that the ex-President was in a good mood and strong, but worried about the Brazilian peoples’ living conditions, which have gotten worse day by day since the 2016 coup. Lula sent a hug to the homeless, the poor and the rag pickers of Brazil.


  1. The Piaui #LulaLivre Caravan completed one month of activities on May 13, with 72 towns and cities visited. The goal is to visit all 224 towns and cities in Piaui state, demanding freedom for Lula and denouncing the injustices committed against him to the people. The support of the Piaui population for the movement has guaranteed the Caravan’s success, so that it is now a national reference for resistance against Lula’s political persecution and in the struggle to rescue Brazilian democracy.


  1. The Lula Livre International Committee website is now on the air – an initiative made by dozens of organizations, including the CUT, Intersindical, CSA, PC do B, PT, MST, Brazilian Woman’s Union and the Perseu Abramo Foundation. Inaugurated during the World Social Forum in March of this year in Salvador, the International Committee was created with the goal of strengthening and solidifying the fight in defense of Brazilian democracy, which has been threatened by the coup and arbitrary imprisonments since 2016. Access the sight here.


Bulletin 88 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy


Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 5/21/2018 – 10 PM


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