Bulletin 66 – People’s Committee for the Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 66 – People’s Committee for the Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba,Parana, Brazil– 5/6/2018 – 8:30 PM

1. This Sunday afternoon, May 6, Chico César sung for freedom for Lula with lots of music, joining his voice with the voice of the resistance of those who continue in the Vigil on Olga Benário corner. Along with Lívia Mattos and Rafael dos Santos, the singer played for nearly 2 hours for hundreds of people who have come by caravan from across Brazil, as well as families from Curitiba who came for the show and to visit the camp.

2. The Cinema for Democracy Festival, which shows Brazilian films in Curitiba for the Lula Livre Vigil, finished tonight with a showing of the films “Chico”, by the Carvalho brothers and “Joaquim”, by Marcelo Gomes, with the presence of the actor Júlio Machado. In all, 13 films were shown during 6 days of exhibition on an inflatable movie screen that was brought down to the camp from Acre state, provoking important debates and reflections about the country’s current context.

3. “This country will only be fixed by someone who does not have an inferiority complex and someone who likes this country and thinks about a word called sovereignty. We need for people to believe and do,” said ex-President Lula in a video that was shown this Sunday. “This country cannot think small. And I think big. Brazil can still become a great nation this Century.”

4. The legitimatly elected President Dilma Rousseff denounced, once again, ex-President Lula’s political imprisonment to a crowd of students and artists at Queen Mary University in London. “It is not bravado or petulance to say that Lula is innocent, and he is our candidate for the presidency of the Republic,” she said, to the applause of the crowd.

5. The Paulo Leminski quarry became a spontaneous site of resistance for freedom for Lula this Saturday (May 5) during the second edition of the Coolritiba Music Festival. Chants of “Free Lula”, “Marielle Lives”, and “Out with Temer” mixed with the lyrics of BaianaSystem. The Pernambuco based band Nação Zumbi, Mano Brown, Emicida and Francisco, and El Hombre also led chants of resistance that have echoed through the Vigil.

6. The 3rd National Agrarian Reform Fair had record crowds of 260,000 in Agua Branca Park in São Paulo. In all, 420 tons of products were sold by 1215 vendors from MST villages, showing the popularity of the dialogue about the need for another model of food production, based on family farming and healthy foods.

Bulletin 66 – People’s Committee for the Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 5/6/2018 – 8:30 PM

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