Bulletin 197 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 197 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 9/3/2018


  1. The game of marked cards by sectors of the Brazilian judiciary has not stopped ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from fighting to the finish for his rights. His Vice Presidential running mate Fernando Haddad announced today, after visiting Lula in the Federal Police headquarters in Curitiba, that the ex-President has made the decision to ask, in his defense, that the UN make a statement about the failure of Brazilian authorities to respect the Human Rights Committee which guarantees his participation in the electoral race. There will also be a motion filed, on this Tuesday, September 4th, to guarantee Lula the right to register his candidacy. Read more here: http://www.pt.org.br/descaso-dos-tse-com-lula-sera-denunciado-a-onu-diz-haddad/



  1. On the 150th day of democratic resistance in Curitiba, the #LulaLivre Vigil received reinforcements, with 40 activists from the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) from Faxinal County in Paraná. Roberto Bahia, a member of the MST national directorate, explained that every 15 days there is a renewal of activists to guarantee that the Vigil has between 150-200 people from the MST present at all times.


  1. Today Ana Estela Haddad, who is married to Fernando Haddad, visited the Vigil. She spoke with the activists about the importance of the resistance in Curitiba for the political history of the country. This afternoon, there was a conversation round with the lawyer Ludimar Rafagnin about pension reform. The “good afternoon” yell to the ex-President happened in the rain today. “It can rain, it can be cold, there could be sunshine but we will be here, firm in our goal to denounce the unjust and arbitrary imprisonment of Lula,” said Jhoine Amâncio, an activist from the MST.


  1. Protests in support of Lula and in defense of his release from prison continue to take place around the world. On Sunday, during Brazilian Day in New York – an event which brings together people with diverse political viewpoints who come together to celebrate Brazilian Independence Day (September 7) early – activists from the Defend Democracy in Brazil collective and other movements, held another demonstration for freedom for Lula, and distributed pamphlets and stickers. The activists also criticized Rede Globo media network, which is a sponsor of the public concerts on that day.


Bulletin 197 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 9/3/2018


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